Transport functions and jog wheel not responding on console

Pale Hearse
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2014/02/24 12:45:28 (permalink)

Transport functions and jog wheel not responding on console

Hey, kind of a confusing situation just cropped up and I could really use some expertise to restore my sanity.
Some quick background. I have a small home studio designed to help motivate the musically inclined youth (and adults) in the household.  That said, the console is currently being studied by someone who was trying to install a guitar input to the deck.
What seems to have happened is that somehow the transport functions on the console as well as the Jog wheel, has been rerouted somehow.  Do any here know the steps to get them rerouted to their original functionality? 
Thanks in advance for any assistance the community here can give.

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    Pale Hearse
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    Re: Transport functions and jog wheel not responding on console 2014/02/24 14:52:09 (permalink)
    Shoot.. something else to toss into the mix.  I just noticed that the USB light isn't lit.
    The deck still appears to work normally.. faders move and such when a project is opened and the unit still plays the selected project when play is selected from the transport tab.
    The unit is several years old.. is there a quick check that one can do to verify that the USB is or is not connected even though the light may not be lit?  The deck has no indicator check button that I'm aware of to fire all the indicator's manually.
    Thanks again in advance for any help.
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    Re: Transport functions and jog wheel not responding on console 2014/02/24 15:56:26 (permalink)
    Sorry you're having troubles.  While I wouldn't consider myself an expert, I have tamed this beast on more than one occasion.
    First, I'm going to assume you have both the console AND the 700R. I guess my first word of advice would be check the devices listed. One way is under the Start Menu, Devices and Printers.  There, it *should* list 3 devices; VS-700, VS-700 M1 and VS-700 M2.  If not, perhaps try a different USB cable -or- a different USB connector to your PC. Making sure you have the most recent drivers is always a good measure; a simple reboot might be advisable as well.
    When you start the VS-700 system be sure to start the console first, and until it reads "connecting to I/O", then start up the rack.
    Within Sonar check to see if the midi drivers got mixed up? Under preferences, MIDI, Devices, you should basically have everything selected except IO (VS-700).  Then under control surfaces both in/out ports set to CONSOLE (VS-700).
    Hope this helps. Good luck!
    Pale Hearse
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    Re: Transport functions and jog wheel not responding on console 2014/02/24 22:12:34 (permalink)
    Thanks a lot Chambana.
    The start up method you outline is the way I've started this thing for YEARS.. so I get exactly what you are saying and have also experienced the exact same hiccups you so accurately described and the start up procedure that works best for everything.  I turn on the console, wait for it to warm up.. then turn on the IO.. wait for it to recognize it.. then turn on the computer and listen for the start up sounds.
    On a few occasions, windows automatic updates have horked things so bad I had to reload the drivers.. but I've never seen anything quite like this.
    The drivers are all present and working, showing no conflicts.  As earlier stated.. I think either the USB light on the console is dim or is simply burned out. The reason I now am certain of this is because both the USB and Console light on the V700R are lit... and the deck responds normally as far as routing the sounds to the speakers.  Only the USB light on the console is dim or burned out.  (It's hard to know how much cast off light is from the I/O light).
    At issue is that the deck seems locked up in all other respects.  I don't have enough experience with the deck actually using it for recording because just after getting the thing, my work load went through the roof and building a manufacturing facility left zero time to mess with it... so it's been years since I've laid down any tracks.  I did an edit, adding sound to a theatrical short a few years ago and from time to time use it to show what the deck is supposed to do when someone actually has time to fiddle with it.  When I do this, I have always used the jog wheel to scroll through the track and play from some portion of it.  This no longer works.. and neither do the stop play and cue buttons... though the stop button will light when a project is pulled up.
    Now that I have time to get back to it.. something may have failed in the deck or something has become somehow rerouted.  I'd hate to send the thing in for service only to have some technician at Roland hit 2 buttons and send the thing back to my dumb @$$.
    Do you perhaps have some functionality test that I can perform that should result in a predictable output on the deck to check functionality.. or to determine with relative certainty that it is an internal problem with the deck rather than just a setting that somehow got changed?
    Thanks again.
    Pale Hearse
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    Re: Transport functions and jog wheel not responding on console 2014/02/24 22:13:55 (permalink)
    OH.. and under preferences/ midi devices.. everything is checked except IO VS700 and Console VS700.
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    Re: Transport functions and jog wheel not responding on console 2014/02/24 23:34:21 (permalink)
    Hello again, regarding the console, the USB led on the 700C is only applicable when using the 700C without the 700R rack. So that actually is normal to not see it lite in your particular case. Also verify that all the DIP switches on the back are set to the off position. Lastly, just to verify, you only need to connect USB to the 700R. The white, multipin connector between the two devices takes care of everything else.

    Now, I think the problem is how you have it configured in Sonar. You mentioned that, in Sonar under MIDI/Devices both the IO (VS700) AND Console VS700 were unchecked? Actually the only thing to leave unchecked in both In and Out is IO (VS700). Everything else, including Console VS700 should be checked/selected. Otherwise you won't have those ports available in the final step, selecting the Console VS700 in both in/out of the control surfaces section of preferences. Hope this all makes sense.

    I, personally have had both units since 2010 and wouldn't give them up for anything! Properly configured they work great together in Ableton Live and Sony Vegas as well. Good luck.
    post edited by Chambana - 2014/02/24 23:38:15
    Pale Hearse
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    Re: Transport functions and jog wheel not responding on console 2014/02/24 23:48:21 (permalink)
    Yes.. perfect sense.
    and yes.. IO vs700 in both is the only one that is unchecked.
    I'm thinking the console may have faulted in some way.  I'll try and get on the phone to someone at Roland and see if they can walk me through some ways to verify this.  I suppose the firmware could have faulted as well.  I downloaded and loaded the recent drivers as well as the firmware upgrade.  I'll speak with someone from Roland to perhaps walk me through some tests and then try the firmware upgrade.  If that doesn't work I'll send it in for service.
    Thanks for your help though.  At least it allowed me to check some of the settings.
    Now that I've had time tonight to sit with it a little.. What I'm realizing is that it's a pretty straight forward issue.. that involves the entire deck.  The deck will respond to input from sonar (The computer) but not the other way around.  As the levels are changed via the mouse on the software the motorized faders will move... but won't respond when the faders are moved on the deck until that level is altered on the screen.. then it snaps to on the deck.
    So now I need to check the cables and connections to see what might be halting the communication from the deck.
    post edited by Pale Hearse - 2014/02/25 00:50:44
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    Re: Transport functions and jog wheel not responding on console 2014/02/25 00:31:59 (permalink)
    Glad to help, best of luck! :)
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