Re:Treatment - Cloud for a drywall ceiling
2012/02/28 03:11:36
You could probably do some fairly low cost custom work. Cut out the drywall on the ceiling to create recesses up into the ceiling joists. Re-seal it by putting in heavy plastic up into the recesses and down to the drywall. Stuff the newly opened up areas full of rockwool and put up a fine chicken wire mesh, stapled to the joists, to hold it all in place.
Then put up a fabric covering over that, probably stapled onto a 1x1 frame or something like that. Screw it into the joists to hold it in place. It could look quite decent, not like a hack job at all.
That would be a bit of a PITA, but it would probably be about as good as anything costing a lot more you could do, and it would effectively raise your ceiling height int hose areas a bit, by however tall the joists are, which might help a little. Sometimes ceiling joists can be 6" or so.
What's above this space?