Trouble getting my Platinum extensions into BandLab
Anyone else running into the error about the incorrect version of the program when attempting to use the Cakewalk Command Center to install Cakewalk SONAR Platinum features into the BandLab Edition that's being managed by the BandLab assistant ?
The only hypothetical solution I've seen to this is to install the 2017.3 (old Gibson version), then BandLab on top of it. But I feel like that'd cause a massive registry conflict ? I want all my FX Chains and Platinum expansions back I paid for including my butt-load of 30th anniversary features and free expansions I've collected through my veteran account.
The big issue with not having these features is some of my existing project files use them. Meaning I can't continue work on them until I find a solution.
This is a bit frustrating. The old Cakewalk installer seems to block-wall getting all my platinum features into BandLab (though they theoretically should be compatible for the most part, long as BandLab hasn't updated the format). I get a popup that says the program version is not correct, and they won't install (obviously, Command Center is old like me).
If there is a workaround to force the install instead of having to have both versions on my producer workstation (and waste a ton of HDD space) I 'd like to hear it. It recently got a reinstall of operating system and an Enterprise Edition of Windows 10 that wasn't cheap but puts me on a slower track than what the consumer edition of Windows 10 gets, thankfully.
In therapy for SSH-shell second-hand-managed VPS-induced PTSD.
Courtesy BlueHost