Re:Two more tunes - one minimalist, the other prog rock
2011/10/09 14:15:41
☄ Helpful
I will comment on "All This Time".
I like the movement a the synth and the track in general.
I do feel that the track could benifit from tightening up
the guitar work starting at about 1:38
It is not hiting on the down beat causing timing issues.
Enjoyed this listen.
Sonar Platimum, Win10 32bit, Quad Q6600,4G DDR2 Ram, BCF2000, Lexicon Lambda interface,Tascam US 1800, WD 500 GB HD, M-Audio AV40 Monitors, Line 6 DI Gold, Guitar Rig 5 Pro, hand full of guitars, Kawia PH50 Keyboard,Digitech GNX3