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February 23, 14 9:07 AM (permalink)


I have been using a UA 1G usb audio interface for home recording using a laptop for a number of years. Recently I tried to purchase another UA 1G usb audio interface but found that this product has been discontinued. Does anyone know of a similar product -which generally has the same features (and is roughly in a similar price range)?

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    Cactus Music
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    Re: UA 1G USB AUDIO INTERFACE February 23, 14 11:51 AM (permalink)
    You should post in the hardware forum, this forum is a bit of a lost island. 
    But to answer you question, just look at any music web site and you'll see lots of similar products showing in the low price range. Example is the Scarlett 2i2 a very popular interface if all you need is 2 inputs. 
    When shopping for an interface make a list of what you want it to have. 
    First is connectivity: 
    How many in/outs would you use at once
    What type?  XLR, guitar or instruments, line level equipment, SPDIF, MIDI, RCA 
    Then how many monitors or headphones do you hook up and do you want front panel control or will software control be OK. 
    Is bus power needed for remote recording or would you rather A/C power which is more trouble free. 
    Are there reports of issues with the drivers and do they support your currant OS
    Does it come with software? sometimes this is a great bonus if the free software is something you could actually use. 
    Is the RTL going to be low enough for you, do you use Guitar rig or Amp sims in real time? 

    Johnny V  
    Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
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    Re: UA 1G USB AUDIO INTERFACE March 07, 14 4:10 PM (permalink)
    I use the UA-1G if running the laptop.  Closest thing for the price is the Cakewalk UA-11 Duo Capture Interface. 

    - Sonar X3 P
    - Cakewalk UA-25EX,  A-300Pro, Korg padKontrol.
    - Desktop:  Fractal Design Define Mini, i7 3770K, Asus P8Z77-M Pro, 16GB Ripjaws X,  500GB / 1TBx2 HDD, 1TB ext., Win 7 x64.
    - Mobile: Asus U47A-RS51, 750GB, 6GB, 1TB Portable, UA-1G. 
    - Instruments: MTD KZ6, CallowHill J(unk)5, P Bass, Strat, A/E Guitar, Djembe, Doumbek, Mridanga, Tabla.
     SoundCloud:  Ohm Groove
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