Re:UAD plugin popup on bounce
2011/08/11 01:35:10
foo, call UAD and tell them what's going on. They actually pick up the phone and will spend some time with you to solve the issue. In my opinion, it very well could be a card gone bad. That doesn't sound right to me.
Then again, I'd never risk a solo card on any machine. It just doesn't have much power. 1-2 UAD-2 plugs and it's toast for DSP. It sounds to me like you're maxing out the card and when you disable/enable, it refreshes.
I have a Duo and a Quad here. I've gotten that message on the Duo a few times, but when I get it, I'm truly exceeding my DSP limit. Do you have that Sonar compatibility box checked in your UAD control panel? If so, for the heck of it...uncheck it and see if it makes a difference. That option always made weird things happen on my end. From distorted audio, artifacts, to exports with blank audio in spots. That said, if you DON'T have that checked, try checking it as it may help you. Sorry I can't be more helpful. I'd definitely call UAD on this one though. Even though the Solo is weaker in DSP compared to the Duo, once you max out a card, manually disabling/enabling shouldn't bring it back. When I max mine, it's done. When you get these messages, are you actually seeing the DSP load maxed out on your UAD meter?
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