Helpful ReplyUnable To Create Audio File For Recording

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June 07, 18 1:14 AM (permalink)

Unable To Create Audio File For Recording

I have Creator 7 and i recently was trying to record.  I got this warning message:
'Unable To Create Audio File For Recording'.
Wondering what can be done.
Also, is there an update for Creator 7?
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Re: Unable To Create Audio File For Recording June 07, 18 5:01 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jimfogle June 09, 18 6:34 PM
Also, is there an update for Creator 7?

What version is in your account?  If you have MC7 (and not one of the earlier versions) then the latest version is what shows up in your account.
BTW, the flagship version formerly known as Sonar (now called Cakewalk by Bandlab, or CWbBL for short) is totally free -- you just have to create a Bandlab account. If your system can handle CWbBL, you might as well download it and give it a try. 

SonarPlat/CWbBL, Win 10 Pro, i7 2600K, Asus P8Z68 Deluxe, 16GB DDR3, Radeon HD5450, TC Electronic Impact Twin, Kawai MP11 Piano, Event ALP Monitors, Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro, Too Many Plugins, My lucky hat.
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Re: Unable To Create Audio File For Recording June 08, 18 5:28 AM (permalink)
Hey alright.  Thanks Jon.
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Re: Unable To Create Audio File For Recording June 09, 18 6:44 PM (permalink)
There is a high probability your computer antivirus / malware program is interfering with Music Creator 7 operation.  Even if you've excluded the program from scanning the Music Creator directories the program may be too aggressive at preventing writes to the hard drive.
Another probable cause might be the hard drive data is highly fragmented preventing hard drive writes to be performed in a timely manner.
Last, the computer hard drive may not have enough free space left to store the audio file.

Jim F
Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB)
Sonar Home Studio V23.9.0 build 32
Music Creator 6
Band-in-a-Box, Audacity, ChordPulse
Win 7, i3 cpu, 8Gig ram, 480 Gig Dell Laptop
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