Unable To Update Rapture - 'Page Not Found'
Hey Buds,
I've searched under the forum section 'Cakewalk Instruments', but nothing came up.
I thought I'd try here - since most seem to chime in here. Also, I believe I saw something similar here about this a year ago or so.
Ok, so I have the original disk copies that I bought ions ago of both Rapture & Dim Pro.
I go to the 'Support By Product' areas, and the Rapture 1.1 Update link & some Dim Pro ones go to '404 Page Not Found', [and even suggests that I may be 'extremely lost' - which seems a bit passive-aggressive on Cake's part, considering that they're their f 'n pages and updates & not mine] -
To go to the higher updates it says, you must have this update 'xx' installed first for both Rapture & Dim Pro.
So what then, if Cake doesn't even have them available?
I'm stuck right there.
Anyone else work around this?
There isn't even anything in their Knowledge Base or FAQs about Rapture, and yet they still continue to sell it.
...'Page Not Found...It looks like the page you were looking for no longer exists, we couldn't find it or you are just extremely lost'...
You 'couldn't find' the updates for your own f 'n products Cake?
And I'm the one who's 'extremely lost' am I???
Considering I've dropped about $1900 here over the years, is this anyway to show 'support' for your long time paying customers & run your company?
post edited by jimusic - 2014/08/03 22:38:27