Unable to select automation envelopes for softsynths due to massive list

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May 22, 11 4:34 AM (permalink)

Unable to select automation envelopes for softsynths due to massive list

Hey guys!

I'm having an issue with X1 and I'm wondering if anyone has a solution to this problem.

I've automated a parameter using a softsynth (in this case NI Kontakt). Creating the automation worked fine. I used act with write automation enabled. The problem I'm having is that now that the envelope is written, I have no way of editing it because when I go to the automation menu -> Kontakt, I have 8 million options in the list. When I look through the massive list, the parameter just isn't there. 

I'd like to be able to just click on the envelope and have Sonar switch to being able to edit that envelope, but I can't seem to be able to do that. It looks like I HAVE to find the envelope from that list before it'll be highlighted and editable in the track view. 

Any Thoughts? 

I'd really like to just see paramaters that I've modified in the list, since I really have no desire to EVER look through the massive list of parameters. I'll always just use ACT to automate the parameter I want. 

If this isn't making sense, I'll be happy to upload screen shots. I'm not on my DAW at the moment, or I would have already :)

Thanks guys!

Josh Wolfer - Big Dumb Monkey Productions - www.bigdumbmonkey.com (Twitter @bigdumbmonkeyp)
Sonar 8.5.3 / X1b :: 2.8 Ghz core i7 :: 8GB ram :: V-Studio 700 C+R :: Maudio Profire 2626 (ADAT lightpipe into Vstudio)


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    Re:Unable to select automation envelopes for softsynths due to massive list May 22, 11 6:57 AM (permalink)
    shift-click on the envelope to select it. shift-click on the clip to go back to editing clips.

    Cheers, Peter.

    i5 6500, H170M, Intel HD 530, 16GB, Focusrite Scarlett 8i6, Win 10 Pro (1803) (64 bit), Cakewalk by Bandlab

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    Re:Unable to select automation envelopes for softsynths due to massive list May 23, 11 1:22 PM (permalink)
    This is brilliant! Thanks man!

    I read the X1 power book. Either I missed this or it's not in there. Either way, this has fixed one of my big annoyances. Now that I know this, I'm actually digging the changes to envelope control. Its a major improvement!


    Josh Wolfer - Big Dumb Monkey Productions - www.bigdumbmonkey.com (Twitter @bigdumbmonkeyp)
    Sonar 8.5.3 / X1b :: 2.8 Ghz core i7 :: 8GB ram :: V-Studio 700 C+R :: Maudio Profire 2626 (ADAT lightpipe into Vstudio)

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    Re:Unable to select automation envelopes for softsynths due to massive list May 23, 11 1:28 PM (permalink)
    yeah that's killer. made my day!

    Asus P8P67 pro, I7 2600K, 8G Kingston Hyperflex, 2 1T WD Caviar Black(sytem,audio), 2T WD Caviar Black(samples), RME Multiface, Roland A500 Pro, Windows 7 Ultimate 64, Sonar X1C, Ableton Live 8, Reason 6, Komplete 7, DCAM Synth Squad, Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trillian
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    Re:Unable to select automation envelopes for softsynths due to massive list May 23, 11 3:05 PM (permalink)
    I read the X1 power book. Either I missed this or it's not in there.
    Hey Josh,

    Yep, it's in there. Check out the tip labeled Quick Envelope Selection on page 370.


    Scott R. Garrigus
    * Author of the Cakewalk Sonar and Sony Sound Forge Power book series: http://www.garrigus.com/
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