Insight (Meter Bridge) keeps popping up in iZotope surveys regarding paying for it. IIRC, it was last deployed with Ozone 5 (advanced?) and has carried forward. It may also have been included in bundles, but seems their intent was to spin it off all along. If you own anything it was deployed with, it will install the newest version for you.
Regarding chains, be very conscious of what you are passing to the next plugin (plugins are stupid and won't care). You can EQ multiple times, but reduction is more effective than increases. Early on in the chain, you very much want to shelf EQ highs/lows that do not contribute to the instrument before passing it along. An audio microscope (parametric EQ, high gain, high Q, swept through frequency) is a good indicator of what contributes or not.
Delay based FX "smear" audio, so is easy to go from crisp to dull if get carried away. Before using such, ensure the signal you feed it is what contributes. Compounding unnecessary audio can mask another track, so a second shelving after other FX can mitigate this depending on usage. For reverb particularly, just barely audible, and then backing off a smidge is more common.
That said, there is no cookbook, and artist interpretation applies; so if the end result is desired, how you use FX is up to you.
post edited by mettelus - August 07, 18 4:02 PM