Re:Using automation to trigger LFOs in a synth?
2011/08/07 22:37:51
Just a note that the Automation will be on the Audio output track of the z3ta and not the midi track. There are numerous options there so if you can not find where in the automation menu it is what I usually do is do a test run with write enabled and move/change the function that I want to find. It will then write an envelope which you can then hover over(when selected) to find out the name of the function from the list.
Sonar Platinum 64bit, Win 8.1 Pro 64bit, Quad Core 3.2GHz, 16G ram, Edirol FA 101, Nvidia
EW (Platinum Orchestra, Hollywood Strings, Pianos, Gypsy, Fab 4, Ministry of Rock,Choirs, etc)