VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper:

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 05, 13 10:58 PM (permalink)
I like your tom impression :-)

Once you do all the things to the various drum hits (eq, TS, compressor, etc...) how hard is it to make those sounds a new drum set so you can call it up again in a new song without repeating all the steps in the video?


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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 05, 13 11:58 PM (permalink)
Your videos are outstanding. Thank you for the wonderful instruction.

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 1:20 AM (permalink)
Great videos! Some of the best I've seen. Thank you Danny!

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 1:44 AM (permalink)
   The phrase "Holy S#*7" kept coming to mind!!  haha Danny these videos were awesome and very helpful brother.  Thanks a ton.  I have been fighting with myself for months wanting to work more with recording live drums rather than tracking with V drums and using samples (as you know that's how I have been working for the most part).

    This past Friday I said screw it...  I went out and bought a nice little Taye rock pro 5 piece kit (used), took it home, set it up, tuned it up, and started hanging mics.  Within a couple hours I was tracking.  I got some nice sounds, but the information here will help me make them even better.  Thanks a ton here bro!  New tricks make me happy. 

ADK Built DAW, W7, Sonar Platinum, Studio One Pro,Yamaha HS8's & HS8S  Presonus Studio/Live 24.4.2, A few decent mic pre's,  lots of mics, 57's,58 betas, Sm7b, LD Condensors, Small condensors, Senn 421's,  DI's,  Sans Amp, A few guitar amps etc. Guitars : Gib. LP, Epi. Lp, Dillion Tele, Ibanez beater, Ibanez Ergodyne 4 String bass, Mapex Mars series 6 pc. studio kit, cymbals and other sh*t.
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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 2:06 AM (permalink)
Danny - I'm another in the crowd who learned some cool things from your videos here. Thanks much! I'm going to use your tips and this perspective for sure.

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 2:46 AM (permalink)
You guys are so awesome, thanks so much! I'm stoked you like this stuff and hope I can keep on batting 1000 here while keeping you interested. I got some cool stuff in the archives I'm pulling out that you may also enjoy. I'm editing a few that I did for a few other sites so you don't have to hear who I was talking to while wondering what I was on about. LOL! This is so cool...thanks guys! :)

Max: that's a great question and one I just happened to do a little video on for you. Rather than explain it, I wanted to show you a few other cool things. So this video will just be a "Cool things you may or may not have known" type of vid.

The answer in short to your question is, you either save specific presets for specific instruments, or you save a track template if you're using these Transient plugs on it. You'll always have to tweak for the mix/song you're working with, but at least your starting points will be there. The vid covers a little of that as well as some drum stuff that you might find interesting along with one of my songs as the test subject.

It's rendering now. As soon as it's done, I'll post up the link so you and everyone else can check it out. Some pretty cool stuff in this, but most of it, the advanced Sonar users will know about already. But there's one nice little drum trick in it that I think everyone will borrow. :) I'll be in touch in about 30 minutes or this space.

Chuck: LOL! Did you post that before or after we talked on the phone? Hahaha...thanks brother. Was really good to hear from you tonight and catch up a bit. Always a blast of a time when we get talking. Thanks for the call man and the kind words. Gotta love those "wtf" moments eh? :)


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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 3:38 AM (permalink)
Ok this video will probably get lost in the posts here, but it's just a quickie to show you a few other cool things. Most of you will be familiar with this stuff, but a few may not.

Warning: extreme, frustrated, political lyrics ahead. No cursing though, so no worries. :)

This should answer a few of your questions, Maximumpower. But if the track template thing isn't quite your bag, you can always do what I said in my last post. Create a preset that works well on a snare, kick, tom etc, save it as "max snare" or whatever you want to call it, and you can just fire up that preset and then tweak it accordingly if you decide to use it on another snare or something. Starting points are always good especially if you use a lot of the same instrumentation. This is where the track template thing can really help. Enjoy! :)


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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 7:35 AM (permalink)
I had typed it out & then decided to call you up and say hello. When we got off the phone I said the hell with it as I wanted to also thank you publicly, so I posted it anyway!

ADK Built DAW, W7, Sonar Platinum, Studio One Pro,Yamaha HS8's & HS8S  Presonus Studio/Live 24.4.2, A few decent mic pre's,  lots of mics, 57's,58 betas, Sm7b, LD Condensors, Small condensors, Senn 421's,  DI's,  Sans Amp, A few guitar amps etc. Guitars : Gib. LP, Epi. Lp, Dillion Tele, Ibanez beater, Ibanez Ergodyne 4 String bass, Mapex Mars series 6 pc. studio kit, cymbals and other sh*t.
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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 7:51 AM (permalink)
Hey Danny, Are these videos all set to private? I can see them from here with the link but they don't show up under your uploads on youtube. ? Just curious. It would be cool to be able to go back and watch them again as needed without having to look up the thread on here bro. Is there a reason you have set them up that way?

ADK Built DAW, W7, Sonar Platinum, Studio One Pro,Yamaha HS8's & HS8S  Presonus Studio/Live 24.4.2, A few decent mic pre's,  lots of mics, 57's,58 betas, Sm7b, LD Condensors, Small condensors, Senn 421's,  DI's,  Sans Amp, A few guitar amps etc. Guitars : Gib. LP, Epi. Lp, Dillion Tele, Ibanez beater, Ibanez Ergodyne 4 String bass, Mapex Mars series 6 pc. studio kit, cymbals and other sh*t.
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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 8:37 AM (permalink)
Killer video!!!  I really liked your common sense real world approach...'really put's things into terms the "average" home studio guy can understand.
Oh, I watched a Youtube vid of you playing one of your songs.  Man, you've got some serious guitar chops...very cool! 


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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 8:45 AM (permalink)

Nice, for the foreseeable future, I plan on sticking with the Cake stuff. In fact, I just purchased the extr Pro Channel plugs that don't come with X2 producer.   I got into this to have the ability to make and record my own music. I guess if I ever get to the point where I need to create something that is radio ready I'll start looking at high end plugins. 

I'm sure out of the box will get me quite far for a while.  I hope.

Hey Red,
You don't have to go too crazy to get some really great plugins. I would recommend the Waves Platinum bundle to get your mastering stuff pretty much covered. For special effects, I've found the PSP plugs to be very musical and easy to setup. That's not to say that I don't have others on my wish list, but you can get quite a polished mix just using the stock plugins and the Waves stuff.
It takes a lot longer to actually learn to hear what some of these plugins are doing, especially in a full mix, than it takes to learn what all the button do.

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 8:48 AM (permalink)

Thanks for the videos! Great job!


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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 1:22 PM (permalink)
Hahaha Chuck...too funny, thanks man! I believe since you have the urls that you can save them to your favorites on Youtube. I didn't make them public because I really wanted to just keep them for our little group. I'm not trying to become popular, start any controversy or make anyone think I'm something that I'm I just keep them as unlisted. I'll keep them up there so if you ever need me to repost a link, it's not a problem. :)


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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 3:31 PM (permalink)


Thanx a lot for this eye opener on the TS64 !
Your input on this great forum is highly appreciated here. 

Best regards from the european continent ; ) 



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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 3:36 PM (permalink)
Noisy Neighbour


Thanx a lot for this eye opener on the TS64 !
Your input on this great forum is highly appreciated here. 

Best regards from the european continent ; ) 


Cheers Daniel, thanks so much! :)

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 6:58 PM (permalink)
This Danny bloke ,  he shares so much knowledge on here, I admit I tend to just lurk and hoover it all up so it's well past time to add my two penn'orth and say many thanks. The guitar playing's not too shabby either.

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 7:19 PM (permalink)
What a difference that tool can make dude! For drums... WOW. the TS-64, to shape them and control decay (kind of like a gate as you said),a nice EQ, & good compressor settings and BAM! I can have them hitting harder than Mike Tyson in no time. I am stoked. Oh, and I also used it to tame the pick sound on some bass harmonics in the same song. This was like getting a new car for Christmas. I am going to drive it(as needed of course)til the wheels fall off.

ADK Built DAW, W7, Sonar Platinum, Studio One Pro,Yamaha HS8's & HS8S  Presonus Studio/Live 24.4.2, A few decent mic pre's,  lots of mics, 57's,58 betas, Sm7b, LD Condensors, Small condensors, Senn 421's,  DI's,  Sans Amp, A few guitar amps etc. Guitars : Gib. LP, Epi. Lp, Dillion Tele, Ibanez beater, Ibanez Ergodyne 4 String bass, Mapex Mars series 6 pc. studio kit, cymbals and other sh*t.
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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 06, 13 9:05 PM (permalink)
Danny Danzi

Ok this video will probably get lost in the posts here, but it's just a quickie to show you a few other cool things. Most of you will be familiar with this stuff, but a few may not.

Warning: extreme, frustrated, political lyrics ahead. No cursing though, so no worries. :)

This should answer a few of your questions, Maximumpower. But if the track template thing isn't quite your bag, you can always do what I said in my last post. Create a preset that works well on a snare, kick, tom etc, save it as "max snare" or whatever you want to call it, and you can just fire up that preset and then tweak it accordingly if you decide to use it on another snare or something. Starting points are always good especially if you use a lot of the same instrumentation. This is where the track template thing can really help. Enjoy! :)


Awesome! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! 

I wasn't think about saving presets or even track templates. I think I like the templates idea better I will have to try both. When I was asking the question, I was thinking you would save the processed drums as a new drum set but I like the template idea. That is cool. Is there only one template active at a time? I should experiment more lol

The song in the video is really cool. I can't wait to here the final product. My son particularly liked the layered vocals.

post edited by maximumpower - March 06, 13 9:25 PM

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 07, 13 2:49 AM (permalink)
Combo: you're too kind, thanks for that and the guitar compliment. :) Come out of lurk mode and hang with us...always great to see lurkers taking part as well as making new friends. :)

Chuck: I know, it's a killer little tool. You just have to watch you don't go too nuts with it or can really mess things up too. :)

max: Not a problem bro, I figured the video may be better than typing it out. This way you could see some of it in action.

No, you can have as many templates active as your pc can handle depending on what's included in them. When you saw me switching, both track templates were active...but because I only had one midi track, it could only be sent to one template/module at a time. If I would have cloned the midi track, one midi out could have been sent to Superior, the other midi out could have been sent to Kontakt.

This is why I brought up 64 bit Sonar. In 32 bit where I was, you're limited with the amount of modules, plugs and templates you can bring in. (again, depending on what's in them) In 64, the limit is your ram and cpu/computer. I can still bring in quite a few modules in 32 bit Sonar, but not like I can with 64. I just wish I liked 64 more...but I have issues with it sometimes, so I stay in 32 and only use 64 when I absolutely have to.

Track Templates can be anything you want. You don't have to just make them with drum modules. They could be guitar track settings with effects and eq's from another project that don't contain any drum modules or transient plugs etc. You could also save an entire project template so that each time you open Sonar, everything is already set up to go on every track. Drivers set on each track, midi channels set on each track...anything you want really. I have a video on my site that talks about them. I'll share a link to it in a sec.

Before you do, keep in mind that Project Templates and Track Templates are sort of different. Not much different, but I'll explain as both do pretty much the same things.

In a project template, we can set up an entire project and literally "save as project template" which is what you'll see in the video. That means...the entire project. It can be drum modules, synths, effects, midi settings, audio settings, pans all ready to's limitless. Perfect example for you.

Say you just finished a project. To you, this project was the best song you had ever done mix wise. Say you would like to use everything you used in this project on another song...which is what you SHOULD do when you are recording an album to keep things consistent. So you want to use everything in this project in the next project, but you know it would take you days to copy it all. So here's how you'd do it.

Delete all audio and midi data from each track. All automation as well. From there, save as, give it a name and in the drop-down box that pops up, select template. Once this is done, this template will appear in your Sonar menu in "quick start" project menu and when you load it, everything will be exactly as you left it only all the audio and midi data will be gone and you can just start recording your new song now and your sounds will be similar as long as you use the same instruments and approach. See the vid here:

Now track template, though similar, allow us to create tracks instead of an entire project. You may like the drum sound you came up you save just the drums and call it "max drums". So when you click it, it opens like what you saw on my screen in the recent video I showed you with the two drum track templates. You may want guitar tracks saved because you did a 6-guitar layer and loved the outcome. So you could save a "max layer guitar" track template that would have all the tracks, effects, pans, fader and any other setting in there and it could be recalled any time. It can even be loaded into any project you work on.

The key though, is to NOT save project or track templates with audio or midi data. All you want is the shell of the project if you are saving a project template, and for tracks, all you want are the tracks per instrument that you want to save, understand? Not to make this confusing...but they both almost do the same thing, but your save location for track templates would be different than project templates.

But you COULD save an entire project of tracks and make it a track template. No one does that don't let it confuse you. I'm just telling you this because they are really similar. Read up on them a little and you'll see what I mean. And check out that video on my site and you'll see what I do for project templates as opposed to last vid you saw on track templates.

Hope I didn't totally cornfuse you. :) Thanks for the kind words brother and tell your son I said thanks. Still a long way to go on my stuff. That was a pre-pro test thing just for us to lock in on the arrangment. Pre-pro to us means "ok, we got the arrangement and like what we it's time to retrack it." LOL! I have a whole log of instrument settings I keep so I know what I want to use.

We got nearly the entire album done...but will be re-recording it from the ground up. The test run to go through it all and make changes is very important. Sometimes I do 2 (or even 4 uggh) complete test runs before I settle on going for the full recording. Tedious and a bit painful for my guys, but it's how I like to work things. So it may wind up sounding quite different once we get to the full print. It really works well though. I'll give you a little sample of what I mean.

I recorded this demo in 1999: (painful I know...but it served its purpose lol)

After 4 total redo's of the album lol, it turned into this by 2004: (ok, a little less painful but much better to my ears lol)

A bit more modern without being as effected, real make-over of the same idea. So this is why pre-pro is so important to me. Just figured I'd share that because well....I don't share much of my music on here and it's nice once in a while despite the bashings I'll probably get. :) Anyway, keep me posted on how you make out with this stuff brother.


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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 07, 13 10:51 AM (permalink)

The "Not Responding" message always makes me do a double take and then start crossing my fingers as well.  Ha!  It does that all of the time though, so it must be in a pause or pulling info type state when it does that.  I have never had a crash when I see it.

Great video and very timely on Track Templates.  I just started really experimenting with them about 2-3 weeks ago.  I started simple with Bass guitar and started working them into my recent project to see how they worked.  Very cool and a big time saver.  Track Templates will probably change the way I do Project Templates.  Project Templates will become more....just a basic starting point layout of how things are routed.  I will pull in a Track Template everytime I am about to add another instrument.

I have mentioned this before, but you have a way of teaching that just really translates to the common guy.  If you had n't made a career in Music, I could easily see you as a trainer in another field.

I am trying to figure out a way of tagging these videos so that I can find them again and review when I am in the heat of the battle.  I don't want to rely on a Sonar Search with the current forum software...I just don't have much luck with it.  Google works better.

Anyway, thanks again.  As I mentioned in that last PM, I have advanced sooooo, much from your teachings in the last 2 years. I've come a long way for a weekend hacker.

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 07, 13 11:29 AM (permalink)

Thanks for taking the time to make these videos. Thanks for posting them too. I wish more members would make videos. It would be cool to see what people are doing in cakewalk. Who knows you may have started something great here!

If people started making videos about how they use Sonar and posting those videos on this forum. Then you may see another Topic section emerge. You did a great job with these videos and I love your perspective and point of view.

Thanks for sharing!  

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 07, 13 12:14 AM (permalink)
Awesome videos dude.  I really enjoyed those. 

You gave me sage advise on one of my mixes in the songs forum.  I have taken all you said on board and the results are much more pleasing.  I must get around to reposting it. 

Thanks  Danni (hehehe - Ducks from the impending blow) 

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 07, 13 2:34 PM (permalink)
Danny, it is so generous of you to share with us like this.  For a mere dabbler like myself it's a glimpse into a whole different world!

Okay, so I'm going to embarrass myself now by revealing that before your video I couldn't get on with the Transient Shaper at all.  Turns out ... I was turning the Threshold the wrong way!  I know! I know! but surely clockwise should mean more!!

Thanks again Danny.

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 07, 13 4:18 PM (permalink)
Danny.  Many thanks for these videos.  As a relative newcomer to this forum and X2 as well it really is awesome that you are prepared to share your talent with those of us that are still climbing the steep learning curve.  Outstanding.


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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 07, 13 4:40 PM (permalink)
Makeshift Mike: Hahaha I know, that message kills me! Especially if I haven't done a save in a bit. Usually though, like you said, it doesn't bring on a crash. My Sonar crashes instantly when it does crash. You know, that faded white screen....uggh I hate it...but it's better than a BSOD that forces a reboot, so hey, I close the program, reopen and I'm fine. Mine doesn't crash much at all really. Only with Kontakt. I'll open something that I was working on previously for like 10 hours....and it will crash before it opens. The Kontakt load screen doesn't even appear. Close Sonar, reopen, everything works. As long as Kontakt isn't in my project, I can't even count the times Sonar X2 has crashed on me post "A" patch. That's how rare it's been. I so hate Kontakt...and long for a replacement. So much so, it makes me want to go to school so I can create my own VST module. LOL!

Glad you found this stuff useful bro...and thanks for the kind words! :) I've done quite a bit of teaching and training actually. I'll spare you on that...but quickly, martial arts (been at that since I was 8) and quite a bit of personal training and nutrition for people over the years. It's weird man....I know I sometimes come off as a hard-@ss in confrontation situations...but I sincerely do love people and try my best to always make a difference for the better. I just got a temper that works on principal, courtesy and respect. When one of those things gets abused, I turn into a lunatic. LOL! But I'm actually a good guy and have always enjoyed all aspects of teaching and training others. :) I'm actually a lil love bug. I'd rather hug someone than throw down any day. :)

Marcus: Ah you're welcome and thank you! Yeah you may start to see more of this. Quite a few have sent me pm's asking me what screen capture software I was using, so they are definitely considering it. :) My biggest issue is I really don't use Sonar that good. LOL! I'm more a technique/recorder/mixer/producer sort of guy. I'm telling you, if you sat here and watched me work through an entire session, you'd wind up teaching me 30 things because the ways I do things are always wrong...or the long way around and you'd say "dude, just stop...stop there....don't do it like that, do it like this because you're driving me crazy! LOL! But, my dumb little primitive methods work....most times. :)

STinGA: My sister "Danni" who lives under the steps in a closet here (her choice, not mine....but just as well, she sort of looks like "The Kraken" these days) says hello and actually laughed at that comment while looking in the mirror and saying "I don't know how they confuse us, I'm incredibly beautiful and you are the ugly duckling of the family!"



I mean, ok, slight family resemblance there, but the only scales I have are the ones I use when I play guitar! She needs a little moisturizer! LOL! :) Thanks brother.

SGodfrey: Thank you and you're very welcome. You know what's really been great about this? Guys like yourself with lower post counts taking part and talking with us. I've noticed quite a few guys that are lurkers or may not post much speaking out in this thread and it's really awesome. I say the more the merrier, ya know? And I'm always up for a few hundrew more feel free to jump right in with us and thanks for taking the time to comment. No need to be just did the same thing I did. I totally wrote that plug off for years until about a year ago. I use it more and more these days because it's a little more subtle than say my UAD Transient Designer or some of the others I use. That's why it's good to have a few tools that do the same thing. They never end up being the same...which is good because it opens up other opportunities where sometimes more is more, or less is more. :) Keep hangin with us...and thanks again.


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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 07, 13 4:55 PM (permalink)
Danny Danzi

Makeshift Mike: Hahaha I know, that message kills me! Especially if I haven't done a save in a bit. Usually though, like you said, it doesn't bring on a crash. My Sonar crashes instantly when it does crash. You know, that faded white screen....uggh I hate it...but it's better than a BSOD that forces a reboot, so hey, I close the program, reopen and I'm fine. Mine doesn't crash much at all really. Only with Kontakt. I'll open something that I was working on previously for like 10 hours....and it will crash before it opens. The Kontakt load screen doesn't even appear. Close Sonar, reopen, everything works. As long as Kontakt isn't in my project, I can't even count the times Sonar X2 has crashed on me post "A" patch. That's how rare it's been. I so hate Kontakt...and long for a replacement. So much so, it makes me want to go to school so I can create my own VST module. LOL!

Glad you found this stuff useful bro...and thanks for the kind words! :) I've done quite a bit of teaching and training actually. I'll spare you on that...but quickly, martial arts (been at that since I was 8) and quite a bit of personal training and nutrition for people over the years. It's weird man....I know I sometimes come off as a hard-@ss in confrontation situations...but I sincerely do love people and try my best to always make a difference for the better. I just got a temper that works on principal, courtesy and respect. When one of those things gets abused, I turn into a lunatic. LOL! But I'm actually a good guy and have always enjoyed all aspects of teaching and training others. :) I'm actually a lil love bug. I'd rather hug someone than throw down any day. :)

Marcus: Ah you're welcome and thank you! Yeah you may start to see more of this. Quite a few have sent me pm's asking me what screen capture software I was using, so they are definitely considering it. :) My biggest issue is I really don't use Sonar that good. LOL! I'm more a technique/recorder/mixer/producer sort of guy. I'm telling you, if you sat here and watched me work through an entire session, you'd wind up teaching me 30 things because the ways I do things are always wrong...or the long way around and you'd say "dude, just stop...stop there....don't do it like that, do it like this because you're driving me crazy! LOL! But, my dumb little primitive methods work....most times. :)

STinGA: My sister "Danni" who lives under the steps in a closet here (her choice, not mine....but just as well, she sort of looks like "The Kraken" these days) says hello and actually laughed at that comment while looking in the mirror and saying "I don't know how they confuse us, I'm incredibly beautiful and you are the ugly duckling of the family!"



I mean, ok, slight family resemblance there, but the only scales I have are the ones I use when I play guitar! She needs a little moisturizer! LOL! :) Thanks brother.

SGodfrey: Thank you and you're very welcome. You know what's really been great about this? Guys like yourself with lower post counts taking part and talking with us. I've noticed quite a few guys that are lurkers or may not post much speaking out in this thread and it's really awesome. I say the more the merrier, ya know? And I'm always up for a few hundrew more feel free to jump right in with us and thanks for taking the time to comment. No need to be just did the same thing I did. I totally wrote that plug off for years until about a year ago. I use it more and more these days because it's a little more subtle than say my UAD Transient Designer or some of the others I use. That's why it's good to have a few tools that do the same thing. They never end up being the same...which is good because it opens up other opportunities where sometimes more is more, or less is more. :) Keep hangin with us...and thanks again.


hehe I know fella, that sister of yours said the same thing to me last time, just thought I'd tease you a little again.

Thanks again No more teasing I promise :-)

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 07, 13 5:35 PM (permalink)'s all good STinG...when buds tease me, it's perfectly ok. :) I'm actually starting to accept the whole "Danni" spelling mistake. It beats hearing "Dobby Dobzi". LOL! :)


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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 07, 13 6:01 PM (permalink)
Thanks,, great video's.
Very good examples on how to improve recordings.
Learned a lot from these and I am applying this today.

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 08, 13 3:40 AM (permalink)
Great videos Danny - I watched all 3 last night and once I got used to your accent (you should hear mine ) it was plain sailing.

I definitely learnt a new trick or 2, and that's what it's all about.

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Re:VIDEO by Danny Danzi featuring Transient Shaper: March 08, 13 12:11 AM (permalink)
  Great videos, makes me want to improve my drum sounds. Big Thanks!!

Best Regards,
Bandlab Cakewalk - i5/8G Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 / Boss gt001
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