V-Studio 20 vs Presonus Firebox and Sonar 7

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2011/05/28 23:43:16 (permalink)

V-Studio 20 vs Presonus Firebox and Sonar 7

A couple of very basic questions......

I use a Presonus Firebox into Sonar 7 right now. I have a Pentium 4 CPU 3.20 Ghz, 2.00 GB ram. and a X-Board 49.

The Firebox is my computers soundcard will the V-studio 20 work the same?
Will Sonar 7 work with the V-studio 20 as easily as advertised for X-1?
Is my computer adequate for X1

What am I losing in capabilities by ditching the Firebox for a V-20.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

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    Re:V-Studio 20 vs Presonus Firebox and Sonar 7 2011/06/02 16:01:17 (permalink)
    The VS-20 works great as an audio interface, and it can be your computer's sound card.  

    Sonar 7 I don't know - for the most part, it doesn't require anything special.  The VS-20 editor will sound either a wet, dry, or loopback signal to your armed recording tracks.  As far as the guitar and vocal effects, and all the inputs, everything should work on any DAW.  The only exception that I can see is the control surface and transport controls.  Those require a plugin for X1, and I don't know if the plugin is compatible with Sonar 7.  Everything else is done through ASIO drivers and a standalone app for editing effects and accessing the tuner.  

    As far as what you'd be giving up, as far as I can tell it's just a mic preamp.  The VS-20 only has one XLR input.  It can record guitar, XLR mic, stereo line-in, or the built-in microphone - pick one of those 4 options via buttons on the device.  Any of those can have the BOSS effects applied, which is kinda neat. 
    post edited by derFunkenstein - 2011/06/02 16:06:46

    King Ben of Nopantsville
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    Re:V-Studio 20 vs Presonus Firebox and Sonar 7 2011/06/03 16:46:38 (permalink)
    Thank-you derFunkenstein for your answer. I just ordered V-studio 20. I think I will see how it does with 7. My laptop is Dual-core Centrino 2.0ghz and I dont think Cakewlk recommends anything shy of 2.67ghz
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