V-Studio and new additions to X1

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September 16, 11 8:27 AM (permalink)

V-Studio and new additions to X1

   I was wondering how the new additions to X1, with Pro Channel, are going to effect us V-studio owners?  I know that Sonar and V-studio is an awesome intergration, but we seem to always be last on the list for new changes.  
post edited by EDS - September 16, 11 8:37 AM

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    Re:V-Studio and new additions to X1 September 16, 11 4:05 PM (permalink)
    Yeah there was a some threads a while back about this... not shure what to expect.

    Seems like everything is perfect with this setup.

    Does anyone still use the mouse and or keyboard?   Yeah we all do.

    My point is when the guys at cakewalk (I hope some actually use the vs-700 system) want to reach the mouse, it should be a warning, an indication that something on the surface is not integrated enough.

    Lets face it, there's a lot of things that are 2-3x times faster or less confusing with the mouse. With Sonar x1, maybe 10 times...

    1. Fantom VS: No integration at all, just something to change preset would be awesome....
    2. Smart tool: WHY NOT something similar with the console....
    3. Screenset: No integration at all
    4. Ducking: Somewhat confusing
    5. Editing: Yeah... mouse + keyboard have the edge
    6. Selection: Could the Select buttons, with an unused modifier key on the console actually select the track AND the audio, or spread a selection on mulitple tracks.... that would be fast

    I think those point would be things to consider.

    I hate when a $25 mouse do quicker than a $2500 investment. I don't expect it to be 100 times faster, but at least on par...
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    Re:V-Studio and new additions to X1 September 16, 11 4:10 PM (permalink)
    Ok sorry for that...

    You can download the explanation pdf which show how to use the console with the SOnar X1, including the Prochannel.

    Here it is: http://www.cakewalk.com/support/doc.aspx?DLID=951
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    Re:V-Studio and new additions to X1 September 17, 11 5:26 PM (permalink)
      I know but, I was refering to PC4K S TYPE/EXPANDER  and X1 expanded...sorry for not being clear in my last post...new at this computer stuff.  
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    Re:V-Studio and new additions to X1 September 17, 11 5:31 PM (permalink)
    Oh sorry, I haven't seen this information either.

    I hope so too
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    Re:V-Studio and new additions to X1 September 17, 11 5:40 PM (permalink)
      They appear to be additions to Pro Channel, to be purchased only for X1 Producer right now.
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