Wanted to pass this along...

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November 01, 11 11:59 PM (permalink)

Wanted to pass this along...

I got sad news today-- a college friend of mine shot himself in a Walmart Parking lot, leaving a note indicating his intentions.  A good guy.  A big heart.  A bit of a loose cannon.  But we loved him.
As it was, it was my "day off" (both kids in school) and when I heard the news, I was in the middle of practicing in my usual way - recording a keys track and then adding vox.  I've been under the weather for a bit, and I'm easing back into singing with some covers for practice.
I had literally JUST finished tracking the keys and had started to go back and tweak a few finger slips, when a facebook message appeared, giving me the news.
After I processed the information for a few minutes, I realized that the song I'd intended to practice was just exactly how I was feeling.  And so I sang it.  And I posted it to facebook within the hour, and made a couple of people cry and helped a couple of people process their feelings.
I left the keys mistakes as they are, and didn't do much, other than two takes and a prefab room verb, because, well... who really gives a sh*t in the grand scheme of things?  Life is messy.  Death is messier.  So be it.
What REALLY strikes me, and the purpose of this post is to let you all know that someone out there cares.  Suicide is something we only talk about in hushed tones in the corners of the kitchen, away from the children.  WHY???  People hurt!  People need to be TOLD that they are loved and cared for...
So do that.  Listen to this song, and then go tell your people that you love them.
Do it for my buddy, Chris.
This is for you, Shaggy.  You were loved and you will be missed.  
Keys recorded before I knew.  Vox recorded after I knew.
(Originally recorded by Over The Rhine, Written by Linford Detweiler, 1995)

She who must be obeyed. ***New and Improved with a Scarlett 8i6!***
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    Re:Wanted to pass this along... November 02, 11 6:02 AM (permalink)
    it's always a pleasure to hear your voice Julianna, and the emotional context of this song makes it even more special. a few years ago when I was writing with my mate Steve one of the disabled adults he supported died,and he wrote a song for him in tribute, which was played at his funeral...the family got a copy and doing it helped Steve get over it and I hope gave the family something to remind them of their relative. This song will be the same for your friend. It is beautifully played and sung.

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    Re:Wanted to pass this along... November 02, 11 6:53 AM (permalink)
    Sorry for your loss, Jules. 

    A local 15 year old boy shot and killed himself on Halloween while on the phone arguing with his girlfriend.
    Beautiful song and singing from you.

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    Re:Wanted to pass this along... November 02, 11 7:12 AM (permalink)
    Hey Julibee!

    What a story. Very sorry to hear that. Suicide is difficult to deal with for the ones left behind. The closest ones doubt whether they were being good to the person, they wonder what they did wrong, for the one who chose to do this and I suppose that's why it's easier to not talk about it and it have become a tabu subject. I always find myself being really confused when I hear of people I know who commit suicide. It's like I can see their reasons and respect it - but I never understand why.

    The song you've posted here is beautiful. You have a great voice and your piano sounds really good. I think it's cool to leave in a mistake or two - and frankly, I didn't really notice any in this tune. With just a piano and voice, you just need to add your soul to it and there's plenty of that in this song. It's just very honest sounding and with the story of your friend in mind makes it even more touching. And it shows that a song is always better with a meaning. Thanks for sharing.

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    Re:Wanted to pass this along... November 02, 11 4:55 PM (permalink)
    Raw Emotion. Beautifully, sad, sung Julibee.

    My thoughts for you, your friend, his family and all those touched by this loss.

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    Re:Wanted to pass this along... November 02, 11 10:04 PM (permalink)
    And this is one of the many reasons we need music.  It brings us joy, and release, expression truth.  You can give no greater gift, no greater tribute.   And well performed too.  Beautiful piece. 

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    Re:Wanted to pass this along... November 02, 11 10:14 PM (permalink)
    It's a beautiful song.

    My brother's first wife used a handgun to end her life on my birthday about 20 years ago. I will never forget the feeling I had as I drove the 3 miles to their house upon getting the call. 

    She was a troubled soul for most of her adult life, and the demons that haunted her won the battle that day. 

    The sadness and strife she left behind continued for many, many years in the lives of those closest to her.

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    Re:Wanted to pass this along... November 02, 11 10:41 PM (permalink)

    And this is one of the many reasons we need music.  It brings us joy, and release, expression truth.  You can give no greater gift, no greater tribute.   And well performed too.  Beautiful piece. 

    "Sometimes it seems like it's just too hard..."

    My feelings exactly.  Sorry to hear about your friend Juli.

    Mark Wessels

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    Re:Wanted to pass this along... November 02, 11 11:37 PM (permalink)
    Thank you all for seeing this as I intended.  I appreciate your thoughts.  Herb, I'm very sorry to hear about that.  I had an Uncle that I never even knew-- it's amazing how his presence (and more importantly, his absence) is still with the family.

    She who must be obeyed. ***New and Improved with a Scarlett 8i6!***
    Soundcloud     www.juliannamcduffie.com
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