(Warning: This is related to X1) Has anyone..

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2011/03/29 09:30:09 (permalink)

(Warning: This is related to X1) Has anyone..

Tried AcmeBarGig VSTs with X1? I think it's the reason why i keep crashing on projects with the said VST.
(I posted something upstairs that is a far more intricate problem, so i'm just balancing the load so that my priority post would get seen first )

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    Re:(Warning: This is related to X1) Has anyone.. 2011/03/29 10:40:57 (permalink)

    Tried AcmeBarGig VSTs with X1? I think it's the reason why i keep crashing on projects with the said VST.
    (I posted something upstairs that is a far more intricate problem, so i'm just balancing the load so that my priority post would get seen first )
    Although I own and have installed  X1 and a previous version, I am not using them to create anything until they get things sorted out.  But, when I was trying X1 out and problems occurred, I would look at the sys logs to see if they contained anything to help determine the cause.  
    Have you looked at the logs?  What are you running 32 or 64?  Can we assume the AcmeBar is 32bit?


    Danny Danzi
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    Re:(Warning: This is related to X1) Has anyone.. 2011/03/29 15:44:56 (permalink)
    Severed, I'm a developer and tester for ABG. What have you tried from us and what symptoms are you experiencing? If you are using Head Case, the only issues I have encountered are long load times which we are fixing presently. 22 seconds per instance of the plugs and an occassional crash when working with filter cab eq fine tuning. Other than that, I've had no issues with the plug and am about to release a demo I just did with it. 

    Please let me know what you are using as well as the version number and what you are experiencing. If you are using our stuff with Sonar x64, you'll need J-Bridge to run it. I've had no lock-ups or crashes though other than if I tweak the filter cab settings for more than 5 minutes. This is a bug we are aware of. 

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    Re:(Warning: This is related to X1) Has anyone.. 2011/03/29 16:38:25 (permalink)
    I'm running at 64.

    Actually, i got very pissed off and removed X1. I'm getting protools or cubase in exchange. I currently put my old Sonar 7 again, exported the tracks so that i could open it in PT.

    Danni, i'm using Shred 2.0
    Here are the bugs:

    1. Opening a project with a 32-bit vst is like playing russian roulette, sometimes it just freezes, especially that ALL my projects are saved from Sonar 7 in 32.

    2. If i get to open the project, when i delete Shred 2.0 from the bin, it freezes.

    3. Everytime you load a project with Shred 2.0, you have to delete it first, then undo for it to sound. Unless, the Shred 2.0 will act as a muter for some unknown reason. (and yes, the levels aren't hard left)

    4. It freezes when opened sometimes.

    5. I tried removing ABG from the VST folder, then loaded a project with ABG in it, and it wouldn't start.

    (P.S. Went back to Sonar 7, even now that i'm on Windows 7 x64, i could open my past 32 bit projects with no problems, except for my Superior Drummer which i already know why it wouldn't run)

    I actually hate that Teleport thingy. I hope Cubase or PT has a different kind of adaptive technology.

    I know you guys aren't sensitive of what DAW we should use, heck we're not purists here downstairs, and even if we're using cakewalk's domain, we're here for the community that is well and good, not for the software. This is portion of the forum is not Sonar related anyway.

    But Sonar has taken it's toll on me. I've endured the bugs and inaccuracies of Sonar 7, and i was hoping a big leap to X1 would help - hell it was worse. I have no time to wait for some bug fixes that were awaited a long time ago but still isn't there. Well, maybe X1b fixed some and made it usable to others, but that's a long way to satisfaction. Sadly cakewalk acts slowly, and VERY slowly, but that's not mine to judge on why they are like this.

    Even the users of 8.5 never got their bugs fully fixed. I don't even know why they released 8 without fully fixing 7. I'd rather have a 7.99 than an 8 with bugs, eand specially an X1 which is a pain in the arse.


    Sorry for ranting, it's the first time i did this, and maybe the last time i will.

    Check out my band's song on YouTube!

    Danny Danzi
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    Re:(Warning: This is related to X1) Has anyone.. 2011/03/29 17:47:13 (permalink)
    Severed, thanks for your detailed response. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems. I must ask though, are you positive you are using Shred 2.0? We haven't released Shred 2.0 that I'm aware of, and all the "Shred" programs have since been discontinued. We call it "Head Case" now. I have a Shred 1.5.97A Beta which was the last version I tested and worked on. There hasn't been a 2.0 that I have seen. Can you please go to this .dll, right click and give me the info on it? I'm hoping you are mistaken on this. We've advertised for Shred 2.0, but I've never actually seen it or had a version here that literally said "Shred 2.0". Can you confirm this for me? Also, if you are interested, I can share my latest beta version of Head Case with you if you want it. It's amazing. A few little bugs that we are working out, but no show stoppers other than the long load time I mentioned.

    Get back to me as I'd really like to help you out on this. If you're running Sonar x64, you definitely need J Bridge to run any version of Shred in Sonar. The plug is not made for 64 bit as of now. Our company owner has been in talks with the people at Sonar to get a dev version so we can work on a plug for Sonar X1 64 but so far has been unsuccessful. If you run the 32 bit version of Sonar, you should have no problems but I know this is probably not what you want to do. But without J Bridge, you will have issues.

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