Was it the beginning?
So I'm watching the tube last night. Using the recall button on the remote, I was watching 2 shows at the same time. Something most guys are capable of doing.
One was the new Terra Nova ( people sent through a worm hole to a primitive world to start again) show and the other was a rerun of the Walking Dead.... Zombie end of the world thing....
10 minutes left to the end of the show.... commercial break. I get up and go to another room...
Blink....... blink.....blink blink...... gone. The lights went out.
First thought that went through my head: Zombie Apocalypse has begun.
My website & music:
www.herbhartley.com MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW
Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface
"Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "