Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play

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June 04, 11 9:32 PM (permalink)

Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play

For some reason all of a sudden I cannot playback my latest project instead Sonar lags then crashes!
I did install a couple of new plugins yesterday and they were working fine until this afternoon, the plugins are Voxengo Gliss EQ and Soniformer.  This project is only using the Gliss EQ.  Today I installed the freeware Voxengo plugins available on their website: Stereo Touch, Overtone GEQ, Sound Delay and Marvel GEQ.  At this point my project loaded correctly and I continued to work.  I tried to clone a track and then Sonar crashed, so I restarted and now Sonar will not playback my track at all.
I have removed the freeware Voengo plugins and Sonar is still not working.  I have tried safe mode and I can get my project to play if I deny all plugins!
Do I have to write down every plugin the safe mode loader reports to me and test loading my project with each disabled?  How can I get back to a working state with my plugins intact?
Here are my specs:
i7 920 @ 2.8Ghz
Windows 7 SP2
Sonar Producer X1 64 bit with 245 quickfix

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 04, 11 10:30 PM (permalink)
    if you use versioning and autosave, then u have several backup copies that u can check.
    try bouncing everything in the project to clips and saving it under a different name,

    also try making a bundle file out of it and then opening that.

    both of those have saved  me in the past.  it forces sonare to re-write much of the data, often fixing it in the process.

    let me know how your making out.
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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 10:13 AM (permalink)
    Phonis...and members in general.  It shows me as a new member because I hadn't spent much time here, but I've been "cakewalking" since Sonar 2.  It would be nice to create a user-experience list of plug-ins.  Probably one already.  Theres a couple since Sonar 7 that has never played fair.  The nastiest one was Steinberg's Groove Agent 3.  Spent hours sifting thru that crash and burn, submitting dump bin reports.  Uninstalled and said good-bye.  Never an issue since then.  So...Steinberg's Groove Agent 3...on the list.  Especially when tech support probably ride the same MBTA greenline subway home from work.  They love the no-mans-land between the two programs.

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 11:00 AM (permalink)
    open your project in safe mode then disable the new gliss eq and see if you have any more probs.

    hold down the shift key and open the project your having the problem with.if it open like this it is deff a sign the gliss is the culprit.

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 6:30 PM (permalink)
    I have sort of the same issue. I open the project in safe  mode and disable all the plugins and it crashes again anyway. I can't do anything with that project.

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 7:40 PM (permalink)
    I have an older version of the project which was saved just before my project stopped working correctly.  With this version I can actually start playback, but no sound is heard and I can't stop Sonar and it remains unresponsive until I force quit and it crashes.  This is unacceptable, I cannot work with software that at some point will corrupt my project.
    I had everything working and was working on my project when all of a sudden Sonar wouldn't make sound and I couldn't stop playback.  Now the project will only work if I load it in Safemode with no plugins.
    I have lost a lot of work and from the comments here this has happened to others as well.  I think it may be time for me to change DAWS as this is not acceptable in the slightest.  I am greatly disapointed.
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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 7:43 PM (permalink)
    Now when I load the project Sonar just crashes.
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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 8:19 PM (permalink)
    Ok, so I can get the project to load and play in Sonar 32 without using any effects.  I haven't tried the effects in Sonar 32 yet but will should I have to.  I saved out a version of the project in Sonar 32 with all effects removed and loaded this in Sonar 64 which crashes with "Reset Button" then a dump log.

    I suppose I am lucky I might be able to salvage my track in the 32 bit version.

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 8:36 PM (permalink)
    So I've tried to bounce everything in the project out to clips but Sonar stops halfway and says it is out of space on the storag medium, but its on a drive with 200GB free!  Any ideas?

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 8:44 PM (permalink)
    Phonic: 2 questions : 1 what are you not using the latest hotfix
                                      2 are the 64b drivers updated. chipset and
                                      video..il look back soon
    you might want to tell me the motherboard make and model.
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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 8:54 PM (permalink)
    I thought 245 quickfix was the latest, is there another?

    I have an Asus P6T-SE motherboard.

    I cannot bound all the tracks to audio as Sonar keeps telling me the storage space isn't enough yet there is plenty.

    I hate losing my track.
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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 9:04 PM (permalink)
    Ok, so I am on the latest quickfix and it is still broken.  Any help is appreciated.

    What do I do with the minidump files?
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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 9:15 PM (permalink)
    send the mini dumps to cakewalk support. il go read about the motherboard  bbs....
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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 9:21 PM (permalink)
    phonic: 2 things pop up again.. the plugins, that i cant help you with. and how well the updates  motherboard have been address'd

    so whats chipset/inf drivers are you running and what  bios rev are you using, il look back..soon

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 9:24 PM (permalink)

    I thought 245 quickfix was the latest, is there another?

    I have an Asus P6T-SE motherboard.

    I cannot bound all the tracks to audio as Sonar keeps telling me the storage space isn't enough yet there is plenty.

    I hate losing my track.

    I have the same motherboard-no issues-There haven't been any chipset updates
    So you can rule the board (updates) out

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 9:44 PM (permalink)
    stratman70: what bios rev are you running !! and note it probaly a plugin issue ..
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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 10:11 PM (permalink)
    0908, but honestly I see no difference from the previous bios. Board is rock solid

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 05, 11 10:50 PM (permalink)
    I suppose I should use the version of the track I managed to save without plugins in Sonar 32?  It just means I have to remix it I guess?

    It seems this project which works in Sonar 32 crashes Sonar 64 maybe because I don't have my plugins in Sonar 32 installed correctly?

    Can I continue to work reliabily with Sonar 64?  I have already reinstalled it and applied the 255 hotfix.

    Thanks for the help!
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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 06, 11 9:49 AM (permalink)
    "So I've tried to bounce everything in the project out to clips but Sonar stops halfway and says it is out of space on the storag medium, but its on a drive with 200GB free!  Any ideas?"

    Hmmm....I'm shooting from the hip here but could this annoyance be related to the 'Picture Cache' folder being maxed out?

    Good luck on a solution.

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 07, 11 2:24 AM (permalink)

    I have sort of the same issue. I open the project in safe  mode and disable all the plugins and it crashes again anyway. I can't do anything with that project.

    I'm finding that X1 is now breaking the majority of my projects this way.  I've had 6 SonarPDR crashes in the last 45 minutes, and 3 reboots.  These Projects become worthless because they are ALL softsynths.  Opening a project in safe mode makes them effectively empty because all of the sounds come from plugins.
    X1 fails to find/utilize plugins in some projects even though that plugin worked fine earlier in the week.  VST rescans are of no help.  Soundtoys Echoboy is the latest, but it has been Omnisphere, Kontakt 4, Trilian as well.  Indeed, the plugin IS loaded and registered properly because I can start a new project in X1 and load that same plugin and use it no problem.  A project from last week, however is toast, as are 3 of the last 5 recent projects I tried to open.  It used to just be 8.5 era projects that were completely unreliable in X1, now even new X1 projects may not be usable within the week.  This is on a dedicated DAW rackmount system that has been rock solid in 8.5.3, Ableton, Wavelab.  I am no fan of X1, to put it mildly.

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 07, 11 2:27 AM (permalink)

    I have sort of the same issue. I open the project in safe  mode and disable all the plugins and it crashes again anyway. I can't do anything with that project.

    I'm finding that X1 is now breaking the majority of my projects this way.  I've had 6 SonarPDR crashes in the last 45 minutes, and 3 reboots.  These Projects become worthless because they are ALL softsynths.  Opening a project in safe mode makes them effectively empty because all of the sounds come from plugins.
    X1 fails to find/utilize plugins in some projects even though that plugin worked fine earlier in the week.  VST rescans are of no help.  Soundtoys Echoboy is the latest, but it has been Omnisphere, Kontakt 4, Trilian as well.  Indeed, the plugin IS loaded and registered properly because I can start a new project in X1 and load that same plugin and use it no problem.  A project from last week, however is toast, as are 3 of the last 5 recent projects I tried to open.  It used to just be 8.5 era projects that were completely unreliable in X1, now even new X1 projects may not be usable within the week.  This is on a dedicated DAW rackmount system that has been rock solid in 8.5.3, Ableton, Wavelab.  I am no fan of X1, to put it mildly.

    PC AudioLabs Rokbox 7 (Core i7 3.40GHz, Gigabyte Z-68, 20 GB Ram, Windows 10 64-bit), MOTU 2408 Mk II / PCI-424, UAD-2. Sonar Professional,

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 07, 11 8:33 PM (permalink)
    Well I've managed to get my project's audio tracks saved without any of the plugins, envelopes or busses.  For some reason (probably plugin related) I was able to open my project in safemode in Sonar 32 without crashing (I said no to all plugins).

    I can now open the newly saved project in Sonar 64 and so far it seems to work.  Too bad I lost countless hours of tweaking, mixing and plugins settings.

    The part of this that gets me the most is how I was in the middle of a session with everything working correctly and the only thing I did was clone a track.  After the clone I hit spacebar to play and the cursor moved without sound and Sonar was no longer responsive.  This is not the first time this has happened either, although this time it also corrupted my project.

    Chauncyc - what you have described does not give me confidence, I do not like playing Russian Roulette with my projects!  I really have no faith left in Cakewalk at this point, this software with all its revisions is a joke.
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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 07, 11 8:54 PM (permalink)
    Another thing to check is how much space you have left on your main operating system drive (C:) The page file is usually written to the C: drive for buffering.  If you have inadequate space there that could cause you some grief.    With inadequate space there your system will bog down with increased disk writing and CPU usage.

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    Re:Well It Finally Happened, Crashed and Now My Project Won't Play June 07, 11 8:58 PM (permalink)
    Lorneyb2 - thanks for the advice, but my C drive has 55GB free.  Also, I have already emptied the picture cache folder in Sonar.
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