What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song?

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2011/01/09 04:22:00 (permalink)

What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song?

^topic. Since I often use the same guitar for both, I often end up lots of clashes. I usually resolve by panning, or somethings I can eq-out of the difference... but other times, it's difficult.

I figure if I went out and got some reference cds, I could at least compare my stuff to them to see how I'm doing.

I think my biggest problem is playing lower notes in my leads. If that note is played at the same time as a chord, it clashes. I could play higher notes, but sometimes you really do want that lower note ;)

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 11:50:04 (permalink)
    Well, I know many people who swear by Steely Dan's "Aja", for mix referencing. Dark Side Of The Moon is another superbly mixed work of art. You might also try automating volume in conjunction with sculpting with EQ and panning to acheive a more balanced mix.


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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 14:27:38 (permalink)
    just download some of my music and you'll be golden.


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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 14:47:29 (permalink)
    If I was doing it.... I would pan them opposite. Also sculpt the EQ differently on each so they don't reside in the same exact place sonically.

    You didn't mention the other instruments in the project. They also factor in. Piano also tends to crowd the guitars.

    One thing I would start with is just mix 2 guitars to actually see where they set in the mix and how EQ affects the other one. I would do this before I added any other instruments, especially if you are just starting out.
    This is a song I recorded last week that has only 2 guitars in it click here . If you can not get sufficient separation with just 2 guitars, keep experimenting until you do, AND it sounds good to you.

    If the instruments crowd each other, it will muddy up the song, and nothing will be distinct.

    Also, do not be afraid to use drastic envelopes on the levels. Allow instruments to come in and go out of the mix as you increase the number of things in the mix. Nothing is worse than having 6 things playing in the same EQ range at the same time and at the same level..... talk about mud...

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 14:47:33 (permalink)
    Well, here is what I got:

    Some of the guitar parts are a little tinny to avoid clashes. I could get a much naturally deeper sound, as this is mini jumbo.

    Basically my strategy was to pan the lead to one side, because centering it caused a lot of problems. I also used stereo imagining to further push the small section of frequency range that was causing problems to the sides of the stereo image while keeping the rest of the frequencies panned normally.

    I really don't know if that is the answer. One side sounds unbalanced, like it's missing lower frequencies as a result of this correction.

    post edited by acoustigod - 2011/01/09 14:52:58
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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 14:54:37 (permalink)
    I would bring the lead up. The guitars sound good otherwise.

    My preference is to scoop the mids out of the acoustic a bit. I fell in love with the Nashville technique they used many years ago... The acoustic was more of a "light dusting" in the background. 

    Since I love the sound of a nice acoustic I have settled for scooping the mids... the boxiness out of the sound. Then it's OK to leave the lead sounding full.

    On the song I referenced on my site, notice the acoustic has a nice flat tone.... not too brilliant and not to boxy and not blasting in the low end either. But also not lacking the substance that makes a guitar sound good.

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 14:59:48 (permalink)
    I'll have to wait a bit to check out your song. I tried, but it says that there is an error. I think soundclick is having problems ;)
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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 14:59:56 (permalink)
    Then it sounds like you panned too hard and I would also lay off the stereo imaging... why do you want to push everything to the side? You have to take a careful look/listen at competing frequencies and gently EQ and even adjust volume levels to get them to sit properly. Panning hard left and hard right is not the answer. Try panning the lead L or R about 30-35% and make sure the lead and rhythm guits are not competting at the same frequencies and/or volume level.


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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 15:09:27 (permalink)
    I'm listening on computer speakers that are 12 inches apart so I didn't hear the panning.

    Always avoid drastic panning. Stay at 10 to 20% or so at most when there are only 2 guitars.

    I think the song I referenced ... both are straight up the center.  Also I try to avoid the stereo imaging if the track is mono and only has 2 things in it.

    People starting out often try to cover their lack of skill with FX, and really, that is the wrong way to go. I see it a lot with singers, but it applies to anything. FX are like spice, a little, used properly, goes a long way. Try to get the mix sounding good before you add anything to it in the form of FX.

    For guitars, a bit of reverb and proper EQ to separate the instruments sonically from each other is really all you need on a basic guitar tune.

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 15:11:00 (permalink)
    I got to listen to the tune. I think that acoustic was a lot easier to mix. That acoustic has basically no body to it at all. A mini jumbo has a massive, deep and bassy sound. It it so strong that you kind of don't even need a bass guitar at all... and if you add a bass, you're going to have massive frequency clashes unless you use nanoweb strings to really brighten up the mini-jumbo. For this sound, polyweb's were used.

    I'm also using a mic and I am not recording direct, which just adds to the more natural bassiness of the guitar.

    I wanted to use envelopes to adjust the eq out the rhythm section at key moments, but when I go to create a track envelope in sonar 8.5, I don't see any envelopes for my eq plugin - just the basic sonar stuff. I don't want to use the sonar built-in eq :(

    I'll go back to 20% instead of 25% for the panning. I think 10% is going to really push it.
    post edited by acoustigod - 2011/01/09 15:22:02
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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 15:12:46 (permalink)

    Then it sounds like you panned too hard and I would also lay off the stereo imaging... why do you want to push everything to the side? You have to take a careful look/listen at competing frequencies and gently EQ and even adjust volume levels to get them to sit properly. Panning hard left and hard right is not the answer. Try panning the lead L or R about 30-35% and make sure the lead and rhythm guits are not competting at the same frequencies and/or volume level.

    It's the rest of the stereo imaging mostly. The rhythm and lead are 25% L/R. I think I did a .4 or .6 boost to the 180-250hz range in the stereo imager.
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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 15:22:37 (permalink)
    Well that's definitely not a hard pan but maybe you've over done it the stereo imaging? I never play with that stuff, so I really can't offer any good advice there... could you put up a link to the song? I'm at work on crappy speakers but I'll have a listen on my studio rig when I get home if you post it.


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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 15:26:29 (permalink)
    Yep, I probably did overdo the stereo-imaging. I didn't widen the whole frequency range though, just the bass region.

    Here's the link

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 15:32:02 (permalink)
    I had to EQ the sound of the acoustic.. is was kind of boomy and boxy. It's mid scooped... I like a cleaner sound on the acoustic.

    Also, the placement of the mic has a lot to do with the sound you are getting, assuming the guitar sounds good. Changing the location by just a few inches will often make a huge difference in the sound and tone of the guitar.

    I think you can automate the EQ... some plugs you can some plugs you can't.

    If you can't automate the plug... you can always clone the track and then edit the EQ setting in  the new cloned track. Ten simply use volume envelopes to allow one track to play to a certain point, then automate it down and the other up instantly. You can not hear the swap, but the EQ will now be different.

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 15:32:19 (permalink)
    Ok. I'll listen when I get home. Sage advice too form Guitarhacker about pulling back on FX. Too much reverb will obscure everything and make separation, especially with guitars, all but impossible.


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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 15:38:57 (permalink)
    Well that doesn't sound bad at all!! I think I agree with hacker that all you really need is to bring the lead guits volume up a tad. Mind you I'm on multi media speakers, but I really don't hear anything wrong with this mix other than the lead could come up a bit in volume. I like the song too!! Any lyrics and vox planned?


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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 15:42:07 (permalink)
    A technique I've used when mixing acoustic lead over acoustic rhythm or finger picking, is to clone the lead part, compress the heck out of the clone, then bring that up just under the original. Seems to give it a little more 'punch' and clarity without going overboard on the volume.

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 15:42:37 (permalink)
    Listening.... you can hear clearly that the guitars are the same instrument.... some different EQ on one or the other would give the listener the impression that there is a "different" instrument playing.

    I would thin out the rhythm as opposed to the lead.... a thinner rhythm will not be as noticeable as a thin lead.... especially since you have other instruments that come in to support the song.

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 17:14:29 (permalink)
    Okay, I raised the volume of the leads a bit. I think it sounds worse personally, especially in some areas. It drowns the rest of what's going on, but maybe that's what everyone wants.

    I also fixed some volume problems in the bridge -> last chorus. It's a little hazzy in this area. I'll have to work on it a bit more later.


    I don't really plan on adding any vox or anything. The song is pretty much as is. I don't sing, and the leads are meant to be the vox.
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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 17:20:42 (permalink)

    Okay, I raised the volume of the leads a bit. I think it sounds worse personally, especially in some areas. It drowns the rest of what's going on, but maybe that's what everyone wants.

    I also fixed some volume problems in the bridge -> last chorus. It's a little hazzy in this area. I'll have to work on it a bit more later.


    I don't really plan on adding any vox or anything. The song is pretty much as is. I don't sing, and the leads are meant to be the vox.

    Feck what everyone else wants. It's what you want that counts. As Guitarhacker suggested, try thinning out the rhythm track with a high pass filter and put the leads volume back where you had it. I could hear your original complaint but it was very minor IMO.


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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 18:43:55 (permalink)
    Listening on cans now.... it sounds good. The lead is slighty to the R. and the level is good to my ears.  I would actually raise it a db or two...in my opinion, the lead could stand a bit higher in the mix.  but... that's your call.... did you also thin out the rhythm guitar a bit?.... maybe it's the cans bit is sounds a bit "lighter"... to me.  and I can clearly hear both guitars and they sound good.

    YOU have to figure out what you want it to sound like... you asked for advice.... I offered from MY point of view.... how I would mix it....if it was on my DAW

    Is there supposed to be a "rain" sound in the beginning....? 

     I would consider putting in a bass... maybe even an old upright bass "fiddle" like in bluegrass....

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 19:02:13 (permalink)
    My best stereo imaging happens when I use stereo mics on the acoustic. They get panned left and right equally (8:00 and 4:00) and the lead guitar goes straight down the middle.

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 19:11:10 (permalink)
    The lead is to one side because if I don't do that, the mix will not be spacially balanced. I can't have the rhythm on on side and the lead in the center, because the other side will be empty (nothing to really fill in the space... at least at the beginning of the song anyway).

    Another reason I don't want to jack up the lead volume is because it's going to bring in the big 180-250hz frequencies... and then I'm going to have to chop more out of the rhythm, or make the lead sound more tinny. I've tried it, but I don't like the sound of either.

    I would ordinarily increase the lead volume, especially vocals, but in this case, I used the same guitar for both parts.

    I think a bass could be interesting, but I don't have a bass guitar, nor am I really that good at writing bass lines.

    Well, I raised the volume a bit in a few of the sections. I was definitely loud enough already in the bridge and in the last chorus section.

    And yeah, that's supposed to be rain. It actually is, from outside. In the last versions, I did nothing to it. This time, I trimmed out a lot of the bad mud.

    I still think there's a few spots where the boom of the lead conflicts. It's noticeable if you crank it. I don't know Sonar won't let automate the waves ssl eq. I won't let me automate any of my plugins at all.

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 19:12:35 (permalink)

    My best stereo imaging happens when I use stereo mics on the acoustic. They get panned left and right equally (8:00 and 4:00) and the lead guitar goes straight down the middle.

    I agree. That's what I did for this tune:

    But with tune that we are talking about in this thread, I wanted a more intimate feel, and a lot of guitars at the beginning just didn't seem right :/
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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 19:24:36 (permalink)


    My best stereo imaging happens when I use stereo mics on the acoustic. They get panned left and right equally (8:00 and 4:00) and the lead guitar goes straight down the middle.

    I agree. That's what I did for this tune:

    But with tune that we are talking about in this thread, I wanted a more intimate feel, and a lot of guitars at the beginning just didn't seem right :/

    Agreed. That other tune sounds great. Sounds like you have 3 guitar parts in there.

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 20:51:13 (permalink)
    What cake software are you using to record?

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 20:58:13 (permalink)
    I'm using 8.5.3 I believe. I haven't got the new one yet.
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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 21:21:42 (permalink)
    Okay, I think I fixed some of the volume issues without having to jack up the volume. This sounds better to me, and sounds nice with headphones or from my monitors, which has been problematic with this tune.

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 21:53:35 (permalink)
    Rounding off the top end on the rhythm guitar effectively making it darker was a good move. I would even round it some more and make it sit back in the mix slightly.

    Other things to try

    1. Opposite delay for both parts and pushing them both a little farther apart on the dry signal. The delays will create a nice spread.

    2. Make a second copy of the rhythm and pan on L the other R now slip one or the other about 7ms. That pushes them way out and away from the center. Then drop the lead down the middle.

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    Re:What is some good reference cds for mixing rhythm/lead acoustic guitar in the same song 2011/01/09 21:55:48 (permalink)
    If you have TTS (synth) in Sonar, and a keyboard with midi output..... you can easily play a bass part.

    Everything I record except the guitars and vox is 100% midi with samplers.

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