Re: Where can I get help for the serial Number of Music creator 4
October 25, 16 7:26 PM
It's 7 years past when Cakewalk discontinued it.... hopefully you didn't pay much... but..... contact Cakewalk first.... if they can't help, and I doubt they can but it's worth a try, get your money back from the seller since they sold you a non-functional copy of the software, or write it off as a lesson learned about buying from the "aftermarket". If the seller won't return the money, write a bad review of your experience. That might get some results. Online sellers do not like bad reviews where a customer feels they were ripped off.
Then go to the cakewalk store and buy a registered version. It will likely cost you more ....BUT......You get the serial number, a more recent version, and your serial number is kept on line in your account for future use. And best of all, you know you are 100% legal.
Besides, there are so many really, really nice improvements in the MC line since version 4. You will really like the new version once you get it.
My website & music: MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW
Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface
"Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "