Where is "Session Drummer Online Help?"

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2009/12/26 20:55:30 (permalink)

Where is "Session Drummer Online Help?"

The documentation (both online and printed) for Sonar 8.5 refers to "Session Drummer Online Help" for more information on the product, presumably including information on how to use and program it. (This is the 8.5 upgrade from the download.)

I cannot find "Session Drummer Online Help."

Where is it?




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    Max Output Level: -80 dBFS
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    Re:Where is "Session Drummer Online Help?" 2009/12/27 01:11:14 (permalink)
    I found the .chm help file in the vstplugins/session drummer 3/documentation directory, but for some reason it is not invoked with pressing F1 from within session drummer.


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