Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10?

Jesse G
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October 25, 16 8:31 PM (permalink)

Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10?

It's time for a new Midi keyboard.   I'm looking for a 49 to 61 key Midi keyboard that is supported by Windows 10 anniversary update.  I haven't decided if I want one which has the midi Drum pads included or not, as Windows 10 has stopped my Trigger Finger from working after the anniversary update.
So what are you Windows 10 users for a midi Keyboard?

Jesse G. A fisher of men  <><
Cakewalk and I are going places together!

Cakewalk By Bandlab, Windows 10 Pro- 64 bit, Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI, Intel Core i5-4460 Haswell Processor, Crucial Ballistix 32 GB Ram, PNY GeForce GTX 750, Roland Octa-Capture, Mackie Big Knob, Mackie Universal Controller (MCU), KRK V4's, KRK Rockit 6, Korg TR-61 Workstation, M-Audio Code 49 MIDI keyboard controller.[/

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    Jesse G
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? October 26, 16 0:27 PM (permalink)
    Ok, so I began looking for a new keyboard today and found several that have the new VIP software which seems to allow you to access your VST FX synths be used in VIP  (I think)  Here is a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOe4tGcSK-s
    There is also a new M-Audio CTRL 49 which is coming out  in November.

    Jesse G. A fisher of men  <><
    Cakewalk and I are going places together!

    Cakewalk By Bandlab, Windows 10 Pro- 64 bit, Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI, Intel Core i5-4460 Haswell Processor, Crucial Ballistix 32 GB Ram, PNY GeForce GTX 750, Roland Octa-Capture, Mackie Big Knob, Mackie Universal Controller (MCU), KRK V4's, KRK Rockit 6, Korg TR-61 Workstation, M-Audio Code 49 MIDI keyboard controller.[/
    Cactus Music
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? October 26, 16 6:23 PM (permalink)
    My Roland A 49 has Windows 10 drivers and still seems happy even after the latest W10 update.
    I find it odd the price seems to have gone up? I paid $120 CAN for mine a few years ago. Not sure if this is something to do with world markets.
    Another change is mine came with Sonar X1 LE. I paid $120 for the Keyboard and Cakewalk gave me the $99 off the price of upgrading to X3 Studio.  I see now it comes with Ableton Live 9 Lite.  I can see Roland has therefore washed their hands of Cakewalk. 
    Anyhow it replaced my original PC200 which lasted 25 years or so.
    I bought it because I thought it had a nice solid feel to it. I found ones like the M Audio in this price range felt like cheap toys. I love the size and it fits perfectly on my side table. I also like that it has the real MIDI output just in case I need that for my old hardware synths. It's always plugged in and ready to go. I have never had any issues with it not working in Sonar. 

    Johnny V  
    Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
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    Cactus Music
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? October 26, 16 6:23 PM (permalink)

    Johnny V  
    Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
    3 Desktops and 3 Laptops W7 and W10
    Jesse G
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? October 26, 16 10:03 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the information.   I see the 49 Midi keyboards since Namm 2016 have included the VIP software where all of them are between $159.99 and $499.00 in price. the VIP software integrates the VST plugins  and Softsynths already installed on your computer for your DAW.
    Nektar Impact LX49 Plus USB Keyboard Controller, 49-Key  Price $159.99  (Uses Bitwig 8-Track, not VIP)
    Necktar Impact LX also has dedicated DAW integration for Cakewalk for Sonar  Sonar Intergration   

    Nectar Video
    Akai Advance 49 USB MIDI Keyboard Controller, 49-Key  Price $499.00  (Uses VIP)

    M-Audio Code 49 USB Midi Keyboard Controller  Price $299.00  (No VIP)
    Alexis VX49 Midi USB Keyboard Controller  Price $399.00  (Uses VIP)
    I think there are several others, but this is a starting place Click the links and take a look or watch a You tube video on each.
    Currently I'm using my Korg TR61 Workstation as my Midi Keyboard replacement but that's not what I bought it for, so I need a dedicated Midi Keyboard.
    Have fun.
    post edited by Jesse G - October 30, 16 5:44 PM

    Jesse G. A fisher of men  <><
    Cakewalk and I are going places together!

    Cakewalk By Bandlab, Windows 10 Pro- 64 bit, Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI, Intel Core i5-4460 Haswell Processor, Crucial Ballistix 32 GB Ram, PNY GeForce GTX 750, Roland Octa-Capture, Mackie Big Knob, Mackie Universal Controller (MCU), KRK V4's, KRK Rockit 6, Korg TR-61 Workstation, M-Audio Code 49 MIDI keyboard controller.[/
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? October 28, 16 6:01 PM (permalink)
    I've been using Akai Advance with Windows 10 with all updates installed. It works good. Doesn't do anything it shouldn't. And does everything it should. The VIP software is really cool and you get an unbelievable amount of free software with it. And the Akai is a really nice keyboard also. I would be very surprised if there weren't deals with $100.00 off during the Nov/Dec season. 

    It's Bass, not Bass.
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    Jesse G
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? October 30, 16 5:40 PM (permalink)
    OK, so I went and purchased a M-Audio Code 49 from Guitar Center. 
    I went to the Guitar Center store  and felt the keys an various keyboard and looked at what the package came with.   I liked the Alesis Vi49 for it's keyboards action (Semi Weighted) and the drum pads on the side) I took the package home and the package had already been opened.  The Midi cable was missing, the Keyboard wasn't in it's plastic sleeve and the Manual had been folded in half.
    I was frustrated, so I drove back to the Guitar Center and asked for another box and asked them to make sure the box was opened in front of me to ensure it had never been opened before, but Guitar Center didn't have an more in stock.  I began to become a bit frustrated as I told the sales person the wrong the store had done in placing pre opened or returned items back on the shelf as new.  He said he would mark it down but I so no, I wanted new items only and a semi weighted midi keyboard.  To get me out of the store fast and to keep me from yelling further and causing a scene, the manager gave me the Code 49 for the price of the Alesis Vi49.  The M-Audio Code 49 had a $75.00 rebate and free download of the following titles.
    Velvet by AIR Music Tech
    Mini Grand by AIR Music Tech
    DB-33 by AIR Music Tech
    Loom by AIR Music Tech
    Hybrid 3 by AIR Music Tech
    Also Ableton Live Lite  (Yuk, never gonna download that)
    This is a pretty good Midi Keyboard, check it out interested > M-Audio Code 49

    M-Audio CODE 49 Front/BACK

    Jesse G. A fisher of men  <><
    Cakewalk and I are going places together!

    Cakewalk By Bandlab, Windows 10 Pro- 64 bit, Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI, Intel Core i5-4460 Haswell Processor, Crucial Ballistix 32 GB Ram, PNY GeForce GTX 750, Roland Octa-Capture, Mackie Big Knob, Mackie Universal Controller (MCU), KRK V4's, KRK Rockit 6, Korg TR-61 Workstation, M-Audio Code 49 MIDI keyboard controller.[/
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? October 31, 16 5:30 AM (permalink)
    I am using an Alesis QX49 and an M-audio oxygen8 both work great with the Windows 10 64 bit setup I have, the QX fits across my lazyboy and the m-audio works from my lap, when my bloody cat isn't sprawled all over my lap lol.
    Jesse G
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? November 01, 16 4:22 PM (permalink)
    I am using an Alesis QX49 and an M-audio oxygen8

    In Windows 10,  I was using an Oxygen 8 with my travel laptop and the Oxygen 8 stopped working after the Windows 10 anniversary update.   My M-Audio Trigger Finger, Radium 49 and Oxygen 8 (original version),  all stopped functioning in Windows 10 SEE PIC. 
    This is the one that stopped working, the original Oxygen 8.  I had to set this one up as a legacy device in Windows 10 to get the drivers to work because they were too old.  It was a PTA getting it to work in 10.

    Jesse G. A fisher of men  <><
    Cakewalk and I are going places together!

    Cakewalk By Bandlab, Windows 10 Pro- 64 bit, Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI, Intel Core i5-4460 Haswell Processor, Crucial Ballistix 32 GB Ram, PNY GeForce GTX 750, Roland Octa-Capture, Mackie Big Knob, Mackie Universal Controller (MCU), KRK V4's, KRK Rockit 6, Korg TR-61 Workstation, M-Audio Code 49 MIDI keyboard controller.[/
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? November 01, 16 6:11 PM (permalink)
    Thats odd, don't have a problem at all with mine and its the exact model as your m-audio. I did program everything but still, yet we use the same windows also. Was just using them last night. oh do you use he windows MIDI standard program? I don't use that because it caused me problems so it is shut down.
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? November 05, 16 6:49 AM (permalink)
    Anyone with any experience using the Roland Cakewalk A-300PRO?  I was never able to get the ACT to work quite well.

    Ananth Kumar
    Dell XPS Intel i7 CPU 920 @2.67GHz 9GB RAM Win 10 Home x64 M-Audio Profire 610 Firewire A-300PRO keyboard controller SONAR Platinum ZTA2+ DPro Rapture various guitars & effects

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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? November 06, 16 10:37 AM (permalink)
    I had a similar Roland/Edirol and had the same experience as you. Mine never go it's ACT together either.

    It's Bass, not Bass.
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    Focusrite Saffire Pro 24, Focusrite VRM Box, LAVA Lamp, SONAR Platinum 64 bit, Mackie MCU and 1 MCU XT, Akai Advance 49, Windows 10,
    Komplete 9 Ultimate, Cakewalk, Toontrack, IK, AAS, XLN, UVI, Air Music Tech, Waves Factory, Sample Tek and Sonivox VSTi's. Overloud, T-Racks, Audio Damage, D16, Nomad Factory, Waves Gold FX 
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? November 06, 16 11:36 AM (permalink)
    Would have loved to get my Edirol to work with Mac OS Yosemite but Roland stopped updating their drivers.

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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? November 06, 16 1:10 PM (permalink)
    I use it with Win8.1, but the Samson Graphite 49 is worth looking into.  It works fine with SONAR in Mackie mode.  I haven't tried ACT with it.  Great no-frills keyboard/controller for $180.  It's worth a look anyway


    Bob  --
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? January 01, 17 3:48 PM (permalink)
    I picked up a Code 49. What's the best way to integrate it with Sonar Platinum so the transport buttons and faders work? 
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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? January 01, 17 4:24 PM (permalink)
    Great - I am sure you will be able to figure it out.  I am still stuck with the Cakewalk A-300PRO and I still cannot get ACT to work as it is described on the net...... I must be doing something terribly wrong!  Duh!

    Ananth Kumar
    Dell XPS Intel i7 CPU 920 @2.67GHz 9GB RAM Win 10 Home x64 M-Audio Profire 610 Firewire A-300PRO keyboard controller SONAR Platinum ZTA2+ DPro Rapture various guitars & effects

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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? January 07, 17 4:10 AM (permalink)
    I have a CME UF8 from what seems years ago. Since going to Win 10 and Splat I haven't even tried it so I have no idea if it even works as it had a proprietary driver for the controls on it. It wasn't a bad wooden weighted 88 nite keyboard.

    I also have a Korg DS-8 from the mid '80's.

    Mike V. (MUDGEL)

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    Re: Which MIdi Keyboard are you using with Windows 10? January 07, 17 8:02 AM (permalink)
    Before tackling the M-audio Code 49,  i blew the dust off my old m-audio KeyRig 25 as a warm up. 


    Class compliant so no special drivers needed.  All the original "Rig" software it came with is useless on windows 10.  I used Sonar's Generic surface to manually program the dials and buttons in a strip parameter configuration (one strip, knobs controlling volume, pan, send level, etc and buttons controlling mute, solo, arm, write enable as well as global transport play, stop, RTZ and record).  Then used ACT learn to set the master fader controller to master volume.  The WAI shows green on the active strip and I setup two remaining buttons for shifting one strip left or right to move between strips.  Having good fun with it.  Although for a midi track i cloned to thicken,  some of the parameters such as Solo button toggle both the original track as well as the cloned track, others do not. Assuming for now that's a Sonar "feature" ;).  Through this process i also figured out how to configure a pre-set with knobs/buttons working multiple tracks (in banks or 4 or 8) for mixing. 
    Was hoping to plug-and-play the Code 49 in Mackie mode but seeing on other forums that's not going well.  Code 49 stacks several functions on one button and the button color can change based on the toggle sequence.  Arm, mute, solo, etc. Looks like i need to read a manual... Not sure when i'll have time to tinker.  Sometimes plug-n-play is darn convenient. 
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