Without You - A nice gentle piano piece

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October 19, 11 2:25 PM (permalink)

Without You - A nice gentle piano piece

Hey guys
So this is my latest track. It's called "Without You." It's a piano piece only at the moment but I'm also going to be writing some lyrics to it and then it will be more of a complete song. So in a way it's still a work in progress right now. Anyway I hope that you like it and I'd welcome any feedback or criticisms that anyone can offer. Enjoy :)

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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 19, 11 7:17 PM (permalink)
    Did you use general MIDI or Cakewalk Studio Instruments for the piano tone to your piece?
    Very nice.
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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 19, 11 7:24 PM (permalink)
    The piano that I used is Native Instruments Upright Piano. I have it as part of the komplete 7 package. Here is the link... http://www.native-instrum...kontakt/upright-piano/ It runs in Kontakt 4 along with some of the other instruments included in the package, although you can get everything seperately and the actual players are free. I would definitely recommend this upright piano, it has such a warm and resonant sound. And to be honest it sounds a lot better without the crazy reverb that I used for this song. But for this song it just seemed appropriate. But the built in reverb is extremely high quality and really good, if a little bit subtle. Anyway, check it out. Since I discovered native instruments piano's I haven't used anything else.
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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 19, 11 7:50 PM (permalink)
    I like it. May npt need anything else with it. (Instrument wise). However, I'm interested to hear the finished product.

    iBM (Color of Music) MCS (Digital Orchestration)  

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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 20, 11 10:50 AM (permalink)
    Thanks Rus W. I'm glad you like it. I'm not going to be changing it too much to be honest. Just add some vocals and maybe adjust the reverb etc to better match the vocal track. Also I'm not sure whether to tighten up some of the timing a bit. My girlfriend says she likes it like this because it's more natural, but I'm just not sure that it has the polish that it needs as it is now in its current form.
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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 20, 11 11:46 AM (permalink)
    I really like the tune and the chord structure.  I imagine it's going to be beautiful with vocals too.  As far as arrangement, I guess I would like to hear a little more variation in the left hand.  

    Very nice song.  Looking forward to hearing the next version.  
    Rus W
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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 20, 11 1:40 PM (permalink)

    Thanks Rus W. I'm glad you like it. I'm not going to be changing it too much to be honest. Just add some vocals and maybe adjust the reverb etc to better match the vocal track. Also I'm not sure whether to tighten up some of the timing a bit. My girlfriend says she likes it like this because it's more natural, but I'm just not sure that it has the polish that it needs as it is now in its current form.

    Well, don't try intensely tweaking because you'll probably tear it up more than fix it.

    iBM (Color of Music) MCS (Digital Orchestration)  

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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 21, 11 11:11 AM (permalink)
    Thankyou, I'm really glad that you like it. And I will certainly experiment and see what bits could benefit from a different left hand arragement. I'm thinking that some bit of the song could just have chords played on the left hand rather than being arpeggios (if that is the right word, you know what I mean) :)
    I have done that so many times you wouldn't even believe it. This time I will actually make a copy of the file as it is right now before I do any messing about, so at least I can't actually lose what I've got at the moment. Also it's funny how the more you hear a song, even with mistakes, the more it grows on you in the state that it's in. So often changes do sound worse even if they technically should be better. So in the end I'll probably end up changing very little, apart from some of the left hand bits as Janet pointed out. 
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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 21, 11 11:37 AM (permalink)
    Very nice listen Logan. Thanks.

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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 21, 11 11:40 AM (permalink)
    Nice piece.

    It may simply be my speakers, but the left hand is soft.  I would like to hear it more.


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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 21, 11 12:48 AM (permalink)

    I have done that so many times you wouldn't even believe it. This time I will actually make a copy of the file as it is right now before I do any messing about, so at least I can't actually lose what I've got at the moment. Also it's funny how the more you hear a song, even with mistakes, the more it grows on you in the state that it's in. So often changes do sound worse even if they technically should be better. So in the end I'll probably end up changing very little, apart from some of the left hand bits as Janet pointed out. 

    Yeah! I'm so bad at it that I have to clean up (delete) files (I have to now) often, but for the most part just work with two and hopefully the modification between the original and copy is significant to enable discern - even if they are exactly the same. AMMOF, I recommend that. Have a Dry and Wet file and tinker with one or the other (all tracks open in one; some tracks silent in the other).

    And yeah, lots of times you find yourself reverting back - not a bad thing though as you said when comparing. However, if you are a perfectionist, tweaking like there's no tomorrow is understandable. (Guilty!)

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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 22, 11 1:39 PM (permalink)
    great start + + +1 - - -maybe a little  less reverb
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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 22, 11 4:30 PM (permalink)
    Hi Ali, nice one, like it.

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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 22, 11 7:19 PM (permalink)
    A nice start on this tune. I think the left hand is too busy though.....especially if you add lyrics.JMO.

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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 22, 11 8:30 PM (permalink)
    Very nice Logan! I wouldnt mind hearing it slowed down a bit..and if it was to stay a piano piece I think you could get away with slowing it way down at times and having a free tempo.
    I also think this could be a nice orchestral arrangement.  Either Harp or the middle strings (V2,Viola or Cello) playing the left hand arpeggios while V1 leads the melody with the remaining strings

    Lots of options

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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 22, 11 9:42 PM (permalink)
    I both agree and disagree with Scotty.  I think the left hand needs to be a litttle more articulate.  I like the left hand, but the mix needs to let it be clearly heard, but not dominate the mix.  Perhaps backing off othe reverb will thelp that.  Another trick might be to record the left hand to a seperate track from the right, then you could tweak the mix to the max.
    I know some said don't tweak the mix, but I think it really needs that seperation between the right and left hand, and a little less reverb.

    Did you master this at all with something like Ozone at all?
    Some very soft strings or such would gift it a nice life too.  Nice hook in the melody, pretty tune.


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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 24, 11 8:54 AM (permalink)
    Hey guys Thankyou so much for all of the feedback and the advice! One thing that is already very clear is that the reverb is a bit much, and as several people have said it prevents the left hand from being heard enough. But the problem is that when I take away some of the reverb it just doesn't sound as full or as... I don't know the word. But you know what I mean, it just doesn't sound as... full.
    So I want to find some way of keeping the fullness of the sound whilst still reducing the reverb. As for the left hand being a bit busy, that might just be because all of the reverb makes it sound so unclear. Actually it's just a simple arpeggio over and over again. If anything most people seem to think that the left hand could do with more variation. But I think that as daryl has said, a seperate left hand track could help in this situation because I could tweak the mix only for that hand and preserve the clarity, and then that way I might not even have to lose much reverb for the right hand track.
    As for strings, I think that's a really good idea. It might help to give the song more variation and keep it sounding full even with less reverb. It would change the feel of the song a little bit but I'd definitely be willing to give it a go. The problem is that I can't seem to get the feeling that I want whilst still having a technically tight and precise mix. I can only seem to have maximum feeling with no finesse, or maximum finesse with no feeling. But I think that backing off the reverb and adding in some strings is looking like a good idea. I'm quite excited to try that now :)
    Also thankyou again everyone for all of your comments and advice and everything :)
    post edited by logan86 - October 24, 11 8:57 AM
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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 24, 11 8:59 AM (permalink)
    Oh, forgot to answer a question above. No I didn't use any mastering tools or anything. I simply recorded the track, added the reverb and then that was it really, I just exported it. Should I have used mastering tools? I'm getting the feeling I should have. Maybe I'll play around with that vintage channel thing that comes with sonar for the first time ever :)
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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 24, 11 9:18 AM (permalink)
    I agree with Mike above....I'm curious to hear this a little slower too.  Save it as a separate file and mess around with it that way, if you're so inclined.  Or not.  :)  It's up to you.  But with that busy left hand I think it would sound nice a little slower.  I think that would help bring out the feeling you're wanting.

    I don't think it's all a matter of lack of clarity in the left hand...it's just that we're ready to hear a change after a little bit.  :)  
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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 24, 11 9:27 AM (permalink)
    well done I thought the melody and ambience created was spot on.

    BTW are you left or right handed? seems like your right handed and that the left hand is just slightly not strong enough to fully pump out that repetitive riff just quite in time (sorry im nitpicking!)



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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 24, 11 11:10 AM (permalink)
    Sounds like a great start to me. Can't wait to hear what you put for lyrics. It may only need the lyrics to be complete.

    Well done!

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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 24, 11 11:53 AM (permalink)
    I'm just about to try and change up some of the left hand parts now. Hopefully that should add some variety, although I'm having that same old problem where every change I make sounds somehow worse because I've gotten so used to the way it is right now. So I guess I just have to go for it and see how everyone else likes it in the end. I think I will be working in a seperate file from now on so I can preserve this version just in case. Also I will slow down the tempo and see if that creates a bit more feeling as you suggested Janet.

    Also, yes Whack I am right handed. I was hoping that no one would notice that by the time I got to the end of the recording my fingers were so cramped up on my left hand that I had ended up with a claw instead of a hand. I really couldn't move my fingers for hours after that, it was horrible :p

    And thankyou to guitarpima and everyone else. You guys have really made me feel really happy and really good about my music, especially when I'm such a noob :)
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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 24, 11 2:15 PM (permalink)
    I really like this - I agree with all the comments about left hand needing to be less repetitive and more distinctive, and with the reverb.

    But overall I think this is a great track. The end, where you take away the left hand and just leave the chords on the top is particularly effective.


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    Re:Without You - A nice gentle piano piece October 24, 11 6:10 PM (permalink)
    ha, that made me laugh man,anything to get the job done eh!

    My advice would be to give your hand a rest, practice thouroughly again in a few days, take another rest and then go to record,after putting your left hand through the rigorous physical test and concentration, the next time you go to record, you will see a significant improvement in timing, strenght and endurance. Ive been playing piano since I was 5 so at least half listen to what I have to say!! gluck with it bro, It will turn out good.



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