X1 Video - First look interview demos with Brandon Ryan

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Re:Video - First look at SONAR X1 from Sonic State with Brandon Ryan November 06, 10 12:44 AM (permalink)
John T


Will there be some demo audio files for the ProChannel? The GUI is pretty, but that won't be enough, we need to hear it.

This has been mentioned in another thread. Apparently the project file and all recordings of that Cori Whatsherface song from the promo video come with Producer edition.

Not my kind of thing musically, but will no doubt be a very interesting project to take a look at.

I think you might have misunderstood me. I want to hear the ProChannel sound...audio examples. Just like you would see audio demos for a 3rd party VST plug-in.
The GUI looks good, but I need to hear how it sounds before I get the new Sonar.

Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video demo+interview) November 18, 10 7:32 AM (permalink)
Hi all,

Just a heads-up. I stopped by Keyboard Magazine editor Steve Fortner's home a week or two ago and did a little video interview and demo of SONAR X1. I just noticed they posted it and thought some of you might find it interesting.

It's "homespun" but gives a pretty intimate and fairly in-depth look at the new capabilities and features of SONAR X1. Hope you enjoy!


It's broken up into three parts and runs about 20 minutes.

P.S. Also keep in mind this was shot on a 720p monitor so it's not necessarily an ideal display, but still workable.

P.S.S Thanks to Steve for his hospitality and for posting this interview/demo.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 18, 10 8:00 AM (permalink)
Nice, thanks for the video Brandon!

Audio and video has a bit of distortion and artifacts so it gets blurry and sounds bad at times.. Wanted to hear the pro channel in action more!

Smart tools look fantastic and I an really excited about the new EQ...

Thanks again for sharing..

post edited by Scott Lee - November 18, 10 8:28 AM

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 18, 10 8:42 AM (permalink)
Thanks, I really enjoyed watching those videos, lot of great info.

I use a lot of virtual instruments and they need warmth and smoothing over.  Although the audio quality of the video isn't that good I could hear a big difference.  The EQ sounds smooth 'No..Distortion' when you cranked it up!.  That EQ along with the Saturation and Compressor may very well be ideal for my needs.

The UI;  I'm glad Cakewalk kept most of the keyboard short cuts the same, and being able to do most edits across all views with the one tool is very cool! That's a first for any DAW software.  Brilliant!

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 18, 10 10:23 AM (permalink)
Excellent! Smart Tool is really smart, GUI is great and flexible, Pro Channel looks promising.
I was a bit scared of Stephen Fortner´s monster speaking voice, though.  
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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 18, 10 10:29 AM (permalink)
The question I have is when you are looking at the view with the track strip and the output buss, if you have additional branching from the output buss, will those busses show up as well? That is, maybe a split from the aux buss master drum fader to reverb, compression etc? In other words, track/output buss/reverb split buss/compression split buss/etc.

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video demo+interview) November 18, 10 10:48 AM (permalink)
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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 18, 10 10:56 AM (permalink)
Wow, that video is a case study in the perils of aliasing! I couldn't stand to listen to the whole thing.

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 18, 10 1:38 PM (permalink)

Wow, that video is a case study in the perils of aliasing! I couldn't stand to listen to the whole thing.

Yes, it's a pity the audio quality was not good.

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 18, 10 1:43 PM (permalink)
Thanks Brandon,

The first video in particular is really interesting, and shows the tool and gui / presentation changes in a far better light than 'boomy man' in the teaser vids.

Can the buss pane be placed in the multidock? I quite like the idea of using one screen for my tv and one for the bv (kinda how people who use the mixer work but keeping to my preferred horizontal working method).

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 18, 10 7:53 PM (permalink)
Great to get more videos but the quality was pretty terrible. It didn't even show the smart tools or run for 15 minutes. It just appeared to do each part for a few minutes then cut to the next part, leaving out half of the video.... Is it possible to get this up on YouTube so it works properly and so we can have the option of 1080p?

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 18, 10 8:50 PM (permalink)
Check out eMusician's video:
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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video demo+interview) November 18, 10 10:30 PM (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk

Hi all,

Just a heads-up. I stopped by Keyboard Magazine editor Steve Fortner's home a week or two ago and did a little video interview and demo of SONAR X1. I just noticed they posted it and thought some of you might find it interesting.

It's "homespun" but gives a pretty intimate and fairly in-depth look at the new capabilities and features of SONAR X1. Hope you enjoy!


It's broken up into three parts and runs about 20 minutes.

P.S. Also keep in mind this was shot on a 720p monitor so it's not necessarily an ideal display, but still workable.

P.S.S Thanks to Steve for his hospitality and for posting this interview/demo.
Regardless of the quality of the videos, the information as extremely useful.
I'm always impressed with your energy and passion, Brandon.   And to go into someone's home - an editor of a mag to top it off - and still exhibit that is what makes you such a valuable part of CW.  Kudos as always to you.
I'm definitely excited.  I'm sure there will be areas/things that any one of us will want that won't be there (yet), but OVERALL, this definitely is shaping up to be a great release in my opinion.   I cannot wait to dig in!
Thanks for the videos and info!
PS - my birthday is 12/6 and I do accept gifts LOL
post edited by ba_midi - November 18, 10 10:35 PM

Billy Arnell (ba-midi)

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video demo+interview) November 18, 10 10:54 PM (permalink)
Sigh. Yet another UI demo. We get it, already. The Browser lets you drag 'n drop and can be docked on both sides. C'mon, Brandon, humor us. Toss us a little meat.

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video demo+interview) November 18, 10 11:04 PM (permalink)

Sigh. Yet another UI demo. We get it, already. The Browser lets you drag 'n drop and can be docked on both sides. C'mon, Brandon, humor us. Toss us a little meat.
Heh, I dunno Bit -- I see some good meat from my perspective.   Some of those workflow possibilities (screen layouts, etc) are actually things I look forward to.
Even the ProChannel looks WAY more useful that just the inline EQ we have now.

The smart tools look good as well.  

But I have said, will say, and probably will say more -- we should lower our expectations probably.  The interface, new tools, prochannel stuff MAY be 'most' of what's new.  I could be wrong, but I suspect some of the longstanding bugs are not addressed yet as this upgrade probably was a big task to the resources available to CW at this time.

I hope I'm wrong.  I hope there's more.  But I'm not going to get myself all excited about "more" just yet.

Billy Arnell (ba-midi)

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 18, 10 11:35 PM (permalink)
The question I have is when you are looking at the view with the track strip and the output buss, if you have additional branching from the output buss, will those busses show up as well? That is, maybe a split from the aux buss master drum fader to reverb, compression etc? In other words, track/output buss/reverb split buss/compression split buss/etc.
I think that's called the Console View yo.

There's a lot of features in this next version that I can easily see people asking for "one more" of whatever it is. Another downstream bus, another multi-dock, another Pro-Channel per channel. It's gonna get hairy.

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 19, 10 5:52 AM (permalink)
With SONAR 8 and 8.5 the first point updates were quite substantial not only with bug fixes but with new features. maybe more of the same this time around

Mike V. (MUDGEL)

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 19, 10 6:46 AM (permalink)
I like what I see here. I'm going to upgrade for sure

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 19, 10 6:46 AM (permalink)
doubble post
post edited by RogerH - November 19, 10 6:48 AM

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Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 19, 10 8:05 AM (permalink)

The question I have is when you are looking at the view with the track strip and the output buss, if you have additional branching from the output buss, will those busses show up as well? That is, maybe a split from the aux buss master drum fader to reverb, compression etc? In other words, track/output buss/reverb split buss/compression split buss/etc.

You see whatever the next downstream bus or channel is. So for instance if you selected a kick that was connected to a drum bus you would see the kick channel and the drum bus. If you selected the drum bus you would see the drum bus and the mater bus, assuming the drum bus is routed to the master bus.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

SONAR Platinum | VS-700 | A-800 PRO | PCAL i7 with SSD running Windows 8 x64 | Samsung 27" LCD @ 1920x1080 | Blue Sky monitors with BMC | All kinds of other stuff
Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video demo+interview) November 19, 10 8:07 AM (permalink)

I'm always impressed with your energy and passion, Brandon.   And to go into someone's home - an editor of a mag to top it off - and still exhibit that is what makes you such a valuable part of CW.  Kudos as always to you.
I'm definitely excited.  I'm sure there will be areas/things that any one of us will want that won't be there (yet), but OVERALL, this definitely is shaping up to be a great release in my opinion.   I cannot wait to dig in!
Thanks for the videos and info!
PS - my birthday is 12/6 and I do accept gifts LOL
Thanks Billy - extremely kind of you.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

SONAR Platinum | VS-700 | A-800 PRO | PCAL i7 with SSD running Windows 8 x64 | Samsung 27" LCD @ 1920x1080 | Blue Sky monitors with BMC | All kinds of other stuff
Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video demo+interview) November 19, 10 8:11 AM (permalink)

Sigh. Yet another UI demo. We get it, already. The Browser lets you drag 'n drop and can be docked on both sides. C'mon, Brandon, humor us. Toss us a little meat.

Hi Dave,

I was attempting to do that with the section on tools and the more in depth about the EQ, etc as I didn't think it had really been covered in that way.

Either way I kind of have to hit the basic highlights/main story with each publication.

Anyway the UI and the workflow is the big thing about X1.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video demo+interview) November 19, 10 8:47 AM (permalink)
Brandon,   the new pro-channel looks great but is it in addition to the existing builtin Sonitus eq or a replacement?

If its a replacement, what happens when you load old existing projects that use the builtin Sonitus eq?

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video demo+interview) November 19, 10 8:52 AM (permalink)

Brandon,   the new pro-channel looks great but is it in addition to the existing builtin Sonitus eq or a replacement?

If its a replacement, what happens when you load old existing projects that use the builtin Sonitus eq?

I'm pretty sure I read one of the Bakers say it was in addition to.

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Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video demo+interview) November 19, 10 8:58 AM (permalink)
The ProChannel Gloss EQ is in addition to the Sonitus EQ.

If you load a project that has the Sonitus channel EQ and you try to enable the ProChannel EQ, it will ask you if you want to switch to the ProChannel EQ instead for that channel.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

SONAR Platinum | VS-700 | A-800 PRO | PCAL i7 with SSD running Windows 8 x64 | Samsung 27" LCD @ 1920x1080 | Blue Sky monitors with BMC | All kinds of other stuff
Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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New Video! Electronic Musician demo of SONAR X1. November 19, 10 9:19 AM (permalink)
Hi all,

A new video tour of SONAR X1 just popped up. There are definitley some new tidbits in here that some of you may find interesting. Hope you enjoy!


Thanks to George P. and all of our good friends at Electronic Musician and Mix for their hospitality and for hosting this video.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

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Re:New Video! Electronic Musician demo of SONAR X1. November 19, 10 11:07 AM (permalink)
Wow, excellent demonstration of the features and how they can be put to use in real world scenarios. I know for a lot of us the little things are important, and I was really excited about the improvements to working with automation envelopes.
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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video demo+interview) November 19, 10 12:01 AM (permalink)
That is a good idea.

I couldn't make it more than a few seconds though. That is an awful video production-wise. It hurt to watch I'm afraid.

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 19, 10 12:22 AM (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk


The question I have is when you are looking at the view with the track strip and the output buss, if you have additional branching from the output buss, will those busses show up as well? That is, maybe a split from the aux buss master drum fader to reverb, compression etc? In other words, track/output buss/reverb split buss/compression split buss/etc.

You see whatever the next downstream bus or channel is. So for instance if you selected a kick that was connected to a drum bus you would see the kick channel and the drum bus. If you selected the drum bus you would see the drum bus and the mater bus, assuming the drum bus is routed to the master bus.

Awesome, that is what I was hoping for. Looking forward to the software.

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Re:New Video! Keyboard Mag First Look at SONAR X1 (Brandon Ryan video interview) November 19, 10 12:32 AM (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk


The question I have is when you are looking at the view with the track strip and the output buss, if you have additional branching from the output buss, will those busses show up as well? That is, maybe a split from the aux buss master drum fader to reverb, compression etc? In other words, track/output buss/reverb split buss/compression split buss/etc.

You see whatever the next downstream bus or channel is. So for instance if you selected a kick that was connected to a drum bus you would see the kick channel and the drum bus. If you selected the drum bus you would see the drum bus and the mater bus, assuming the drum bus is routed to the master bus.
That's gonna be very handy and sounds smart (ie, not cluttered).

Billy Arnell (ba-midi)

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