X1 and HUI

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January 28, 11 0:12 PM (permalink)

X1 and HUI

Simple question that I couldn't seem to find the answer to and I'm hoping someone here knows. Does X1 work with HUI control surfaces? If yes, are there any restrictions or crippling. If HUI does not work with X1 then what are some of the best alternative control surfaces that will work? Thanks guys

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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 0:42 PM (permalink)

    The HUI(tm) MIDI mapping protocol is an open communications protocol for interfacing between a hardware audio control surface and digital audio workstation (DAW) software. The protocol allows a DAW and a connected hardware control surface to exchange Midi signals that synchronize the states of their (virtual) sliders, buttons, wheels, and displays. The user can write console automation which can then be seen in the DAW.

    For those not familiar with the term (I wasn't).

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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 0:44 PM (permalink)
    HUI doesn't support SONAR, and SONAR doesn't support HUI as HUI was developed for a a specific tool. Mackie's open protocol, which SONAR does support, is Mackie Control Universal. SONAR also supports Roland's V-Studio 700, Euphonix Artist series, and of course the various Mackie Controls out there.
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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 0:53 PM (permalink)
    Seth Perlstein [Cakewalk

    HUI doesn't support SONAR, and SONAR doesn't support HUI as HUI was developed for a a specific tool. Mackie's open protocol, which SONAR does support, is Mackie Control Universal. SONAR also supports Roland's V-Studio 700, Euphonix Artist series, and of course the various Mackie Controls out there.

    Interesting response - -  "HUI doesn't support Sonar".  Are you willing to elaborate on what HUI is or isn't as far as Sonar goes? (Curiosity, simply!)
    Thanks, Brian

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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 0:56 PM (permalink)
    Stone House Studios

    Seth Perlstein [Cakewalk

    HUI doesn't support SONAR, and SONAR doesn't support HUI as HUI was developed for a a specific tool. Mackie's open protocol, which SONAR does support, is Mackie Control Universal. SONAR also supports Roland's V-Studio 700, Euphonix Artist series, and of course the various Mackie Controls out there.

    Interesting response - -  "HUI doesn't support Sonar".  Are you willing to elaborate on what HUI is or isn't as far as Sonar goes? (Curiosity, simply!)
    Thanks, Brian

    HUI is a protocol that Mackie developed for Pro Tools. AFAIK it only works with PT, but soon after its development Mackie developed its Universal protocol to work with SONAR and all of the other non-PT DAWs. the MCU protocol is open and many non-Mackie devices emulate it.

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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 1:11 AM (permalink)
    So in short, they don't work together and no one makes a worth wild control surface that would work with X1. That really sucks.

    I have no clue what it entails but you guys should work on that. Seems like it keeps Sonar out of the pro market. Is there any other DAW that doesn't support HUI? I think S1, Nuendo, Logic and Reaper all support it. Maybe I'm wrong though...

    Is there are reason why Cakewalk has decided to not support HUI?

    I'd really like to stay here when I get my SSL AWS+ SE but obviously that's not going to happen if I can't use it to full capacity.
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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 1:13 AM (permalink)


    The HUI(tm) MIDI mapping protocol is an open communications protocol for interfacing between a hardware audio control surface and digital audio workstation (DAW) software. The protocol allows a DAW and a connected hardware control surface to exchange Midi signals that synchronize the states of their (virtual) sliders, buttons, wheels, and displays. The user can write console automation which can then be seen in the DAW.

    For those not familiar with the term (I wasn't).

    HUI stands for Human User Interface. It is a Mackie controller for Pro Tools. Some DAWs do support it other then PT. Most do not.

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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 1:16 AM (permalink)

    So in short, they don't work together and no one makes a worth wild control surface that would work with X1. That really sucks.

    I have no clue what it entails but you guys should work on that. Seems like it keeps Sonar out of the pro market. Is there any other DAW that doesn't support HUI? I think S1, Nuendo, Logic and Reaper all support it. Maybe I'm wrong though...

    Is there are reason why Cakewalk has decided to not support HUI?

    I'd really like to stay here when I get my SSL AWS+ SE but obviously that's not going to happen if I can't use it to full capacity.
    There are tons of good control surfaces that support SONAR. The Mackie HUI is a very old control surface and is more or less outdated. The HUI controller itself must be at least a decade old.

    Euphonix, SSL, Roland, Mackie, Presonus, Frontier, and more all make surfaces that use either MCU or their own protocols that work in SONAR. Frankly, adding HUI support to SONAR would be a waste of precious development resources considering we already fully support Mackie's dominant Universal protocol.

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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 1:17 AM (permalink)
    Maybe I'll call over at SSL and find out if the AWS will work with MCU and if it does if there's any difference in resolution.
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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 1:22 AM (permalink)
    Btw, thanks for your quick response Seth. I wasn't expecting to get an answer so soon.
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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 1:24 AM (permalink)
    So in short, they don't work together and no one makes a worth wild control surface that would work with X1. That really sucks.
    That is not true. The Mackie Control is the CS to beat. Right now more CSs have an MC mode to emulate it then any other type. It works extremely well with X1 and darn near all other DAWs and non DAWs as well. HUI is no longer even made. See this.

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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 1:24 AM (permalink)
    The SSL Nucleus uses HUI or MCU, so it's good to go in SONAR. As it is based off of their Matrix board/ surface I would assume that also uses HUI or MCU.

    Plus, if there are rotaries or other controls you want to use with ACT in SONAR, you can do that with any control surface, keyboard, etc. form any manufacturer, as long as it sends MIDI CC data.


    EDIT: To the best of my knowledge, the only reason why certain devices supprt HUI mode is so that they work with Pro Tools. Pro Tools does not support MCU, only HUI (unless this has changed in PT9). So manufacturers who want to support everyone will build in HUI support for PT and MCU for everyone else.
    post edited by Seth Perlstein [Cakewalk] - January 28, 11 1:26 AM
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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 8:58 AM (permalink)
    Seth Perlstein [Cakewalk

    Pro Tools does not support MCU, only HUI (unless this has changed in PT9). So manufacturers who want to support everyone will build in HUI support for PT and MCU for everyone else.

    This is indeed still the case even with PT9 from what I've read - HUI support only.

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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 9:08 AM (permalink)
    Check out the Alesis Mastercontrol, it works very well with sonar, you'd be very surprised..
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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 12:29 AM (permalink)

    Check out the Alesis Mastercontrol, it works very well with sonar, you'd be very surprised..

    It sure does.

    I'd like to see an update from Alesis though so I could somehow control the Prochannel.

    I'm using it as just a control surface and using my Delta 66 card as my audio interface because I get better latency from the Delta than firewire.  I just disabled the Mastercontrol as an audio device in Sonar and my other DAW software.

    Another thing I figured out, is if I take the 1/2 outputs (my control room monitors), from the Delta, feed them into channels 1/2 on the Alesis and then under DIRECT MONITOR mode, pan and adjust the channel, when I switch back to control surface mode the settings stay put so I can use the Mastercontrol as my control room, monitor switcher as well!

    I tried doing this running a cable (rated for digital) from the spidf out on the Delta to the spidf in on the Mastercontrol but I get only 2 tracks of mono with no apparent way to pan them?

    Any idea?

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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 2:31 PM (permalink)
    Wish I could help out wormser, I'm using my Mastercontrol straight up as an audio device and surface...I spoke to alesis a few weeks ago, and from what I understand they are working on improvements fot the mastercontrol, didn't get any specifics though, lets see what happens...
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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 5:01 PM (permalink)
    In case anyone else was curious I found the answer to my X1 and SSL AWS 900 compatibility questioned. Yes they do play nice together. It sounds like there is some loss of functionality but it's minimal and no fault of Cakewalk although I'm curious as to how ACT with "fix" any loss of function. The AWS will basically appear as though it is a Makie Control surface with 2 expanders. Nothing less, nothing more. The info can be found in the manual for the console. I just had to open my eyes. 

    Not to change the subject but are there any plans with Roland to develop a control surface that would be to Sonar what the C24 and Icon are to Pro Tools? Something that tells us that Roland is more serious about Cakewalk than the pint sized V Studio 700. It's cool I guess, and well targeted at serious hobbyists with some extra cash, but I'd like to see a product that could shake up Digidesign's and Avid's world. We've got to get away from that monster and it's never going to happen unless someone makes the commitment to compete head to head with them. DAW software is well covered, interfaces are well cover... there seems to be a huge hole with in-depth control surfaces.

    Maybe there is a way to do this and I just haven't figured it out yet but I'd love to be able to do all of my audio editing without a mouse. I do a lot of manual gating because I don't like using plugins for that so I spend tons of time slicing, clip fades, crossfadding and making minor time alignment adjustments. In my mind it wouldn't take much. A simple X/Y pad for cursor placement in case it's absolutely needed, a jog wheel with the main function to control the now time and several buttons that would toggle the jog wheel function like front of clip fade, end of clip fade, fade curve button, move the selected clip (movement determined by the snap function of course), move clip start, move clip end, previous clip and next clip buttons. I have a Korg PadKontrol and attempted to make this happen with Sonar 5 but I wasn't able to get it to work. I'll try again when I'm done building my new PC for X1.
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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 5:11 PM (permalink)
    I say the VS-700 is the best controller for Sonar!!
    I have even seen used ones on ebay for around $1800.
    Go get one.
    Sure the Nucleus looks cool but it is like $5000.
    You could get two VS-700 for that and have one at home and at work. LOL

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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 5:19 PM (permalink)
    I'm not sure what Roland's plans are for future hardware development, but I wouldn't be opposed to them adding more control surfaces to the lineup.

    As for using an X/Y pad as a mouse ... IIRC I've seen some standalone laptop touch pads for sale at Fry's before. You could easily hook on of those up if you want.

    Personally, though, I never use the touch pads on my laptops and always prefer the pointing stick. I can't imagine using a touch pad over an actual mouse on my desktop, but that's just me.

    As for a jog wheel I think that's what the Countour Shuttle Pro more or less is, a jog wheel with a few assignable buttons. I've never used one but I've talked to more than a few users who absolutely love theirs.
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    Re:X1 and HUI January 28, 11 5:41 PM (permalink)
    The PadKontrol already has all I would need technically I just couldn't seem to get functions assigned how I wish they would. I was assuming that it has more to do with a device and software being predesigned to do what I was wanting to do with it. Especially the trick with moving the clip start and end, fades, toggle through the fade types. The X/Y pad was for a "if I must" situation and to keep my hands focused in the same area vs jumping back and forth between a mouse and the editing controls. I'm sure I could train either my thumb or pinky finger to be very efficient for that purpose.

    Perhaps after I get into X1 I will post a help me thread if I am still stuggling with this in case it is possible. This function alone would easlity save me 4 hours of tedious editing per song with the current project I'm working on. Talk about a red-eyed session.

    I agree Lane,
    The Nucleus is a nice looking piece of gear. Especially if it were sitting next to the VS. i wouldn't say the VS is the ugliest thing I've seen but it would certainly benifit from a cosmetic makeover.

    I hope that if Roland does put out another control surface that they leave it at that and don't try to bundle preamps or anything like that in there. They aren't known for quality preamps. Probably never will be unless they kidnap Rupert Neve and force him to design for them.
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    Re:X1 and HUI February 29, 16 4:10 PM (permalink)
    I am using Focusrite Control 2802 and hope Sonar will add HUI support ! This console works with PT, Cubase and Logic. 
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