X1b- Staff view note duration shortcuts not working?
The new changes to the staff view and piano roll have not been so great for me when it comes to entering notes of various durations. I have yet to work on a project needing extensive notation using the staff view but I think the previous Sonar's staff compostion tools as imperfect as they were, were in fact better. In order increase the love for X1b it occured to me that I could use keyboard shortcuts and program the jogwheel of my Contour Shuttle Pro to dial in the note resolutions. Unfortunately, in the staff view the shortcuts don't seem to work for me. However, in the Piano Roll they work perfectly. It's a time saver to use shortcuts as opposed to having to click on the event duration button and scroll down to the desired note each time. I just can't see myself doing a large composition doing it that way. Anyone here try shortcuts in the staff view? Are they working for you?
It would be nice if there were shortcuts for triplets and dotted notes.