Re: RE: Yamah PSR-S900 keyboard instrument def
2011/07/24 08:29:23
first - welcome.
second - you probably should have started a new thread because although you're talking about the same keyboard, it's not the same problem as this thread is addressing (and it's 2 years old)
third - I'm not 100% sure of what you're asking, but I think you're wanting to hear the sounds of your specific keyboard from the MIDI tracks in sonar. if that's the case then it doesn't work that way, at least not directly.
MIDI is only DATA, it does not include the actual audio sound from the keyboard. once you record MIDI you have to have a synth for MIDI to trigger in order to hear anything.
If you want to hear the actual sounds from your keyboard you have to record the AUDIO OUTPUT of the keyboard, not MIDI.
OR if you want to record MIDI and then edit it, then you can send the MIDI back to the keyboard, send the audio output from the keyboard back to your soundcard then record the audio from the keyboard on an audio track.
if this is what you're wanting to do, you're probably also wanting to see your specific patches in the MIDI tracks. that's where the ins def comes into play. if you have the ins def for the psr s900 then you set up the instrument to point to that ins def and you will have those patches available to pull down from the patch menus in the MIDI track.
give us some more specifics on exactly what you're wanting and what you don't understand and we'll try to help.