Yamaha CP33 instrument definition

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2012/08/28 17:26:20 (permalink)

Yamaha CP33 instrument definition

  I'm trying to make a cakewalk instrument definition so midi tracks will list my Yamaha CP33 patches. I'm having a hard time with it. Has anyone made an instrument definition for this keyboard? Or maybe for a cp300, cp50, or cp1 that I can adapt to my cp33? I've read the Cakewalk help docs on instrument definitions and any articles I can scrounge on the internet. My midi tracks are still listing the standard general midi list of patches. I'm wasting a lot of time with this. Thanks in advance for any help. --- Jim

Sonar Platinum, Lenovo Y580 i7 laptop, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 16 gb ram, NVidea GeForce GTX 660M,  NI Komplete Audio 6, TriplePlay Midi Guitar, Yamaha CP33, Casio PX5S
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