Yamaha PSR 320 Instrument Denfintions

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January 06, 17 12:25 AM (permalink)

Yamaha PSR 320 Instrument Denfintions

I acquired a Yamaha PSR 320 keyboard at the local thrift store and it works great.  I connected it to a Dell Inspiron 530 desktop computer (Win 10) and installed Finale Notepad 2012, Finale Print Music 2014, and Cakewalk Music 6 (recently purchases and not quite familiar with the application).  I have had some success with Finale playing through the PSR-320.  I have been unable to locate Cakewalk instrument definition files for the PSR 320 (the "Voice & Polyphony List" shown in the user manual does not list bank numbers nor MSB or LSB).  I am using  PSR340 and PSR280 instrument definition files as templates.  The PSR340 user manual does list the bank number for each "MIDI Program Number" as well as indicating MSB and LSB.  I intend to pursue a "trial and error" approach in order to attempt the creation of a PSR-320 instrument definition file.  However, I am trying to learn so would appreciate comments on the following:
My questions are:
1.  How many banks are there?  What is the number of the first bank?
2.  Is there a standard bank assignment protocol?
3.  The PSR-340 "instrument definition file" assigns 78 of 115 possible voices to Bank 112.  Does the omission of 37 voices from bank 112 suggest anything?  
4, The PSR-340 manual offers a Panel Voice List and a GM Voice List.  The Glockenspiel (9) is not in the Panel List. The GM List seems to match the PSR-320 Voice List.  What is the difference between Panel and GM?
5.  In the PSR-340 file, some of the "midi program numbers" are duplicated in Bank 113 but with slightly different names.  For example the voice #5 (DX Electric Piano) is assigned to Bank 112 and shows up in Bank 113 as "Hyper Electric Piano), and Bank 114 as "Bell Electric Piano".  Voice 16 (Organ) shows up in Bank 112, 116, 118, and 119.  I suspect Cakewalk controls which bank and voice to use.  Any comments?
6.  Is there a default bank number?  As in, when in doubt assign a voice to bank 112 or something like that.

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    Re: Yamaha PSR 320 Instrument Denfintions January 06, 17 1:39 PM (permalink)
    Please disregard my query as I found what I needed through hpmusic (heikoplate.de), FAQ from Michael P. Bedesem's "Frequently Asked Questions PSRs & Tyros"  psrtutorial.com.
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    Re: Yamaha PSR 320 Instrument Denfintions January 06, 17 4:57 PM (permalink)
    Google (or any other search-the-web app) is your friend.
    I still have a PSR540. I found the standard Yamaha.ins file only includes the PSR 300, 520 & 530 so I modified it for the 540, deleted all the other listings and saved it as PSR540.ins. I do this for all my synths. That way all the ins files loaded into Sonar are specific to my equipment. Any discrepancies, inaccuracies and bloat are alleviated.
    A good resource site for  specific Yamaha INS files There's even a link showing how to make your own.
    HPMUSIC is another one.
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