Re:a little question about key measurements
August 17, 11 8:06 AM
I play the piano aswell as my A-PRO and they're both as useful as eachother for different reasons. When i want fast repeating notes, i use the A-PRO, and when i want to play a piece with lots of dynamics, i play my full size, semi-weighted, digital piano.
Personally, i think learning to play on the A-PRO first will help you when it comes to playing the piano. Mostly because the keys are closer together so your fingers won't have to stretch as much, and you'll find it easier to play at a consistant volume (or chosen adjustable dynamics) than a piano.
Basically, the A-PRO is easier to play than a piano. Because of this, you can focus on the actual notes that you need to play, and not be getting fraustrated because your fingers can't stretch enough, and because you can't hit the keys hard enough, and/or play at a consistant volume.
That only really applies if you're learning to play other people's music, which i'd assume you would be as you're learning. Learning to play the song on your A-PRO first allows you to just focus on the notes. When you can play the song on the A-PRO, learn to play it on the piano.
That's what i did for the first 6 months because i was always fraustrated when i was hitting a piano note, and it was just too quiet, or too loud, or seemed impossibly too far away.
Now i'm sure hardcore piano students and players will tell you that i'm wrong, and that you should learn the notes and piano subtlities at the same time, but i'm self taught and it was a lot easier for me to learn by learning the song on the A-PRO first, and then on my piano when i knew all of the notes off by heart.
Of course now though, i don't have to learn the songs on my A-PRO because i'm very used to a piano now. But if you're just starting out The A-PRO is a great choice. I'll be honest and say that the Axiom key's do play more like real piano keys than the A-PRO, but the A-PRO's keys are still very nice to play (and sometimes better than real piano keys). And the A-PRO will intergrate with Sonar a LOT better than the Axiom - which is why i brought the A-PRO over the Axiom.
Sorry for such a long post, i just wanted to show that you shouldn't always get a keyboard with keys just like a real piano. And certainly not for electronic music that has fast repeating notes.