Wow. This is _ _ _ _ ing annoying. This is at least the 2nd time that this has happened.
I spent 2 hours editing something, recording a few new parts, etc..., only to have Sonar "lock up" when I tried to simply lengthen a midi note using the "smart" tool. The program (frequently ) does some "auto-grab" of the whole track and starts moving it (it turns red at that moment too). That's not what I wanted. I wanted to touch up one note. It's very touchy in this way, I've found. Sometimes when that happens, I'm able to simply stop the action or go to undo move, and I'm on my way., no problem. But this time (and once or twice before), it locked up in this state. And try as I may to stop the action, exit the edit, or wait for a resolution, it never comes and the only option is to close completely out of Sonar. WORSE, I forgot to save my work...again. It used to be, I recall, that there was an "auto-save" so stopping to save your work frequently was never necessary. Probably just needs to have this feature turned on, right? I hope. But ALL of the work I did today is gone. And why on God's green Earth does this "auto-grab" thing keep happening when I'm trying to edit individual notes, and why the freeze-up? UGHHH.