changed instrument in midi file is not saved before playback

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January 12, 16 4:40 PM (permalink)

changed instrument in midi file is not saved before playback

i have another problem :-)
i use sound canvas va vst as midi synthesizer
when i change an instrument in sound canavs va
and then i press play in mc7 the instrument is changed back to the original instrument :-(
seems mc7 is sending some type of reset to the vst canvas before playing the midi
how i can prevent mc7 from doing this ?
when i change the instrument during play its working
but i want to create a wav file of it
and when i change the instrument and export it as wav (or when i press play button)
my insturment changes are all resetted
i tried to save the midi file with my changes, but this does not work either
(because the changes are made in vst plugin and not in the midi file itself
hope it does not mean i have to buy cubase 7 or 8 to use the canvas plugin fully....
post edited by Peter0815 - January 12, 16 4:57 PM

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    Re: changed instrument in midi file is not saved before playback January 12, 16 5:04 PM (permalink)
    If these are MIDI files not created in MC7 there could be patch and other information embedded in the files themselves. You might want to inspect the files in the Event List.
    If you wish to save changes and your plug-in configuration, save the file as a cwp (Save as type = Normal). MIDI files do not store plug-in information. This is true for all DAWs including Cubase.
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    Re: changed instrument in midi file is not saved before playback January 12, 16 5:15 PM (permalink)
    its a normal midi file downloaded from the net
    the event list is empty for that midi file
    i saved a cwp file, but it does not work.
    when i load the cwp file the changes for the instruments are loaded in the sound canvas
    but when i press play the default instruments of the midi file are resetted before playback.
    i read here
    Due to host application specifications, system exclusive messages cannot be sent from tracks to SOUND Canvas VA in the following hosts.
    Windows® 7 SP1/Windows® 8/Windows® 8.1/Windows® 10
    - Cakewalk SONAR PLATINUM/Professional/Artist(32-bit Edition/64-bit Edition)
    - Ableton Live9 (32-bit Edition/64-bit Edition)
    - Ableton Live9 Lite (32-bit Edition)
    - Presonus Studio One 3 Professional (32-bit Edition/64-bit Edition)
    Due to host application specifications, you cannot use control changes to make correct bank selections and program changes in the following host application.
    Windows® 7 SP1/Windows® 8/Windows® 8.1/Windows® 10
    - Cakewalk SONAR PLATINUM/Professional/Artist(32-bit Edition/64-bit Edition)
    Due to host application specifications, there is a limit to the parameter that can use automation in the following host application.
    Windows® 7 SP1/Windows® 8/Windows® 8.1/Windows® 10
    *Compatible with only parameters that knob is attached.
    - Ableton Live9 (32-bit/64-bit Edition)
    - Ableton Live9 Lite (32-bit Edition)
    seems i need cubase to get it fully working with instrument changes :-(
    post edited by Peter0815 - January 12, 16 5:29 PM
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    Re: changed instrument in midi file is not saved before playback January 12, 16 5:53 PM (permalink)
    i found out, that only drum sets are not saved when i press play
    other instrument changes are working
    when i use the tts-1 synthesizer the drum set is not saved there aswell
    so mc7 is sending some type of reset command for channel 10 (drum set) (and only for 10! ) to the vst
    hope u (smb from cakewalk) know how to disable this
    at least i know that its not a bug in canavs vst since tts-1 is doing the same :-)
    I 'VE FOUND IT !!!!
    mc7 is indeed sending a reset command to the vst !
    when i select track 10 there is on the left side
    a very small field with a "p" for patch
    for channel 10 its set to "initial"
    i have to set it to none
    now sound canvas will no longer change the drum set back to
    the midi file default drum kit when pressing play :-)
    post edited by Peter0815 - January 12, 16 7:38 PM
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