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May 17, 07 9:32 AM (permalink)



Wondered if anyone could help me.

When using Z3ta+ on some of the presets I get a tiny click as the note is pressed. On some of the more rhyhmic preset it happens whilst the note is sounding throughout. I've pulled the volume fader down it's not in the red. CPU meter reads about 5% so it's not a latency issue and it's not on most of the presets.

Also when I put the any synth through an audio damage plugin call Bigseq which is a gate sequencer and filter combined i get this click on every step of the sequence.

Wondered if this is a problem with how I'm set up or is there something i can do to reduce these clicks.

Using Sonar Home Studio 6 - Edirol FA66 ASIO drivers - Windows XP - set up 24bit/48khz.

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    b rock
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    RE: clicks May 17, 07 9:57 AM (permalink)
    I get a tiny click as the note is pressed.
    Try raising the Amp envelope attack above 5 milliseconds (I guess your lowest choice would be 0.01 in z3ta+: 10 ms.). Or, try changing the ATT curve to something other than linear. Some presets benefit from that instant attack; others don't.

    Also, you may be getting a 'filter pop' from a quick, large sweep in cutoff frequency, or the Reso Boost on. If the ATT adjustments on the Amp envelope makes the attacks too 'soft' for your ears, that's the second route to try. Use the same types of adjustments, but apply them to whatever EG is controlling the filter(s). (BTW: How do you like that BigSeq plug?)
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    RE: clicks May 17, 07 10:20 AM (permalink)
    thanks B rock i'll give those a try

    I really like the Bigseq plugin, because it's a) Very cheap b) easy to use c) I was looking for something to help me make those rhythmic sounds. I'm not heavilly into programming synths, so i mainly use presets so i thought this was a good way to go. THeir replicant plug in looks amazing but i don't do much beat slicing mapiulation so i'm not sure about it.

    Only problem is that it is clicking on each step of the sequencer which is annoying.

    Can you achieve this type of sound in Z3ta without this plugin - or does rapture do it.
    b rock
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    RE: clicks May 17, 07 10:39 AM (permalink)
    Can you achieve this type of sound in Z3ta without this plugin - or does rapture do it.
    Don't get me wrong: I've got a big soft spot for z3ta+ when it comes right down to it. But if by "this type of sound" you mean "those rhythmic sounds" similar to BigSeq post-processing, I'd personally go to Rapture first.
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    RE: clicks May 17, 07 11:42 AM (permalink)
    Many thanks B Rock

    I've been looking at Rapture for a while, and maybe i'll have to buy it some time soon - but i don't like spending money all the time on this stuff - as i'm learning all the time and i feel there's a lot more i can do with what i've got. I got Bigseq cos it was cheap and hopefully it will see me throgh till i get Rapture in a few months' time.

    But I think you're right and Rapture is what I really need.
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    RE: clicks May 17, 07 12:10 AM (permalink)
    Don't get me wrong: I've got a big soft spot for z3ta+ when it comes right down to it. But if by "this type of sound" you mean "those rhythmic sounds" similar to BigSeq post-processing, I'd personally go to Rapture first.

    On the other hand, just for arguments sake, z3ta+ has a *great* arp section that allows you to use your own MIDI files. This in some ways is even more flexible than Rapture's steppers. And don't get me wrong, either, I *love* Rapture - even more than I love z3ta+!

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    RE: clicks May 17, 07 12:12 AM (permalink)
    Of course, now I've gone to look at BigSeq and note that it has filters and stuff. Definitely Rapture for this kind of sound...

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