Re: Usb mixer
November 05, 16 9:21 AM
I have the Mackie Pro FX12. same thing minus the 4 extra channels.
the Traction software that's bundled with the board when you purchase it suggests using ASIO4ALL.
this will cure your latency issues. but I honestly believe the Scarlett has better pre amps in it than the Mackie Does.
I have a Focusrite 18I8 and that's what I use as a full time AI. I got the Mackie to use for micing up a drum kit, monitoring, exc. IMO the USB is a bonus, so I can hear an IPOD, or send a stereo mix to my laptop.
but one thing is for sure, the Mackie Pre amps cant touch the Focusrites Mic Pres, even on the cheap little Scarlett's.
because the mic pres you have in your Scarlett is the same Mic pres in the larger Focusrite units (except the ISA and Claret) its just you only have 2 mic pres on the 212. The big units have 8. my 18I8 has 4 but I also have 4 more 1/4 inputs, lightpipe and SPIF.
This is how I convert 8 track tape to digital (I do a lot of conversion work)
Its all about mic pres my friend. Ask any good engineer.. They will tell you,
Even though I own one, a Mackie's Mic Pres is not better than a Scarlett. The noise floor is also not even close.
Windows 8.1 X64 Sonar Platinum x64 Custom built: Asrock z97 1150 - Intel I7 4790k - 16GB corsair DDR3 1600 - PNY SSD 220GBFocusrite Saffire 18I8 - Mackie Control