Helpful Replyfinally got one - few questions

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August 16, 11 2:03 PM (permalink)

finally got one - few questions

Hi Guys,
just got this unit and I'm overall impressed with build quality and included software
but have few questions. I loaded sample song from tutorial and when I switch to different tracks fader is not moving, why?
Another thing is what is the setting "DAW full control on/off" ? when I put on ACT is displaying. 
To fully automate Sonar should be this on? Any other setting on VS-Studio 100 should be changed to work with Sonar in 100% or they are set by default? So far none of my buttons are lid although "transport", track selection  functions work.


post edited by kc2ine - August 16, 11 2:33 PM
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Re:finally got one - few questions August 17, 11 1:40 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpful
Sounds like you might not have the VS-100 setup 100% in Sonar.

If you are using Sonar VS (the software that comes with the VS-100) my instructions may not line up 100%. I'm on X1, but the basic idea is the same.

Make sure the VS-100 is setup properly in the Control Surface area. Set both the IN PORT and OUT PORT to "CONTROL - VS100", and also check the A & W boxes. Once that is setup, the VS will be set to properly control Sonar, and some of your questions will likely be answered.

DAW FULL MODE: With this off, the upper left area of the VS-100 works with ACT, when it is on - most of the entire left side will work with ACT. I recommend you DO NOT use this until you are really comfortable with the VS-100, and are finding limitations with the normal ACT features (ie: short a few buttons or knobs).  I don't particularly like FULL MODE myself - but you may find a need for it in your workflow.

ACT: This is not needed to control Sonar. It is used to control Synths, FX and strips within Sonar. The right side of the VS-100 does most of the controlling, and it does not need ACT.

Good luck!

Don't fix it in the mix ... Fix it in the take! 

Desktop: Win 7 Pro 64 Bit , ASUS MB w/Intel Chipset, INTEL Q9300 Quad Core, 2.5 GHz, 8 GB RAM, ATI 5450 Video
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Re:finally got one - few questions August 17, 11 7:14 PM (permalink)
hey, thanks a lot -  that did it I didn't have assigned input output ports properly in control surface settings.
Now all works and buttons light up, except yet loops and marker but I'll get them to work too.

BTW is that Sonar X1 any better then Studio, is it worthy to upgrade?
thanks again
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Re:finally got one - few questions August 18, 11 8:01 PM (permalink)

BTW is that Sonar X1 any better then Studio, is it worthy to upgrade?

By Studio do you mean Sonar VS, that ships with the VS-100?
If so, yes! X1 is the flagship program for Cakewalk. Do you need all the features X1 comes with? That's hard to say, but it is their primary program.
Glad to hear you got the VS-100 up and running

Don't fix it in the mix ... Fix it in the take! 

Desktop: Win 7 Pro 64 Bit , ASUS MB w/Intel Chipset, INTEL Q9300 Quad Core, 2.5 GHz, 8 GB RAM, ATI 5450 Video
Laptop: Windows 7 Pro, i5, 8 Gig Ram
Hardware: Presonus FP10 (Firepod), FaderPort, M-Audio Axiom 49, Mackie 1202 VLZ, POD X3 Live, Variax 600, etc... etc...
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