Re:gain stage harsh sound YIKES
2013/03/29 05:47:03
There is not a lot to screw when using a mic and a pre-amp ... anyway, some thoughts here, maybe it gets you closer to the solution ...
+ try using another VS-700 IN: try odd one, if used even one before (e.g. #3 instead of #4), the block diagram shows 1,3,5,7 and 2,4,6,8 as separate (not sure what it exactly means, though)
+ are you recording both mics at the same time? could be phase issues when playing back both tracks of same take
+ you probably disengaged the pad switch anyway (so that you don't need more preamp than necessary)
+ is it harsh in the direct monitoring or just in the Sonar playback? you could be recording to a somewhat screwed project / track template ...
+++ Visit the Rehab +++ DAW: Platinum/X3e, win10 64 bit, i7-3930K (6x3.2GHz), Asus Sabertooth X79, 32 GB DDR3 1600MHz, ATI HD 5450, 120 GB SSD OCZ Agility3, 2x 1TB WD HDD SATA 600 Audio-Interface: 2x MOTU 1248 AVB, Focusrite OctoPre, (Roland Octa-Capture) Control-Surface: VS-700C VSTi: WAVES, NI K10u, FabFilter, IK, ... (too many really)