Re:getting "Bounce to Clip" layers to appear
2011/09/06 18:47:48
The differences are:
1. I am set to sound on sound instead of Overwrite
2. Allow arm Changes during playback/record is unchecked
Other than that, same set up as your screen shot. And it's not that I don't see the muted clips all of the time, only some of the time and there seems to be no pattern as to when i will or will not see them. Every once in a while the newly bouced v-vocal clip will be placed on top of the muted clip rather than immediately below it, and that's the part I'm trying to figure out.
HP-500Y/Windows 7 64 bit/SONAR X1C/AMD Phenom II X6/Saffire 6/AT2035 mic/various Ovation and Alvarez guitars