how to control octa-capture panel from VS100? - anybody has octa-capture here?

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September 09, 11 9:58 PM (permalink)

how to control octa-capture panel from VS100? - anybody has octa-capture here?

Just got octa capture and it's awesome but I'd like to be able to control its software mixer from VS100,
is it possible? anybody tried that? I don't see ACT on octa-capture screen. Also I don't see a way for opening 
its control panel from Sonar.
post edited by kc2ine - September 09, 11 10:11 PM

V-Studio 100, Sony VAIO i7 2.93GHz/ 8GB RAM, Pianoteq, Sonar X1 Studio, ezDrummer, Macbook Pro, Roland RD700GX stage piano, Yamaha Motif XS6 workstation, Rode NT-1A, AKG Perception 220 

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    Re:how to control octa-capture panel from VS100? - anybody has octa-capture here? September 10, 11 9:51 AM (permalink)
    I don't think that will be possible. Why don't you call Cake tech support? They can give you a definitive answer.
    Please post what you find out.

    On another note - let us know how the Octa Capture pre-amps are compared to the VS-100. I understand they are the VS-700 pre's which are higher quality than the VS-100, but would love to hear if it is a noticeable difference.

    Don't fix it in the mix ... Fix it in the take! 

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    Re:how to control octa-capture panel from VS100? - anybody has octa-capture here? September 10, 11 10:31 PM (permalink)

    I don't think that will be possible. Why don't you call Cake tech support? They can give you a definitive answer.
    Please post what you find out.

    On another note - let us know how the Octa Capture pre-amps are compared to the VS-100. I understand they are the VS-700 pre's which are higher quality than the VS-100, but would love to hear if it is a noticeable difference.

    will do, travelling now for a moment so unfortunately don't have a way to connect it anything.

    V-Studio 100, Sony VAIO i7 2.93GHz/ 8GB RAM, Pianoteq, Sonar X1 Studio, ezDrummer, Macbook Pro, Roland RD700GX stage piano, Yamaha Motif XS6 workstation, Rode NT-1A, AKG Perception 220 
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    Re:how to control octa-capture panel from VS100? - anybody has octa-capture here? September 11, 11 1:05 PM (permalink)
    BTW have seen my post in hardware that this damn thing did shutdown on me during session...

    V-Studio 100, Sony VAIO i7 2.93GHz/ 8GB RAM, Pianoteq, Sonar X1 Studio, ezDrummer, Macbook Pro, Roland RD700GX stage piano, Yamaha Motif XS6 workstation, Rode NT-1A, AKG Perception 220 
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    Re:how to control octa-capture panel from VS100? - anybody has octa-capture here? September 25, 11 2:07 AM (permalink)
    I ended up returning this unit. I prefer VS100 and so far don't need more inputs.
    I sound quality didn't hear any differences.

    V-Studio 100, Sony VAIO i7 2.93GHz/ 8GB RAM, Pianoteq, Sonar X1 Studio, ezDrummer, Macbook Pro, Roland RD700GX stage piano, Yamaha Motif XS6 workstation, Rode NT-1A, AKG Perception 220 
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