how to enable automation with this motorized fader?

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September 03, 11 1:43 AM (permalink)

how to enable automation with this motorized fader?

trying to practice creating envelopes and so far I can do only with mouse but I've seen on some roland movie how they do this 
with fader only, no mouse. ANybody knows how?  

I got it how record volume automation using fader, but how switch fader to do e.g. panning automation not volume???

post edited by kc2ine - September 03, 11 1:54 AM

V-Studio 100, Sony VAIO i7 2.93GHz/ 8GB RAM, Pianoteq, Sonar X1 Studio, ezDrummer, Macbook Pro, Roland RD700GX stage piano, Yamaha Motif XS6 workstation, Rode NT-1A, AKG Perception 220 

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    Re:how to enable automation with this motorized fader? September 03, 11 2:44 AM (permalink)
    The fader cannot be set to Pan (as far as I know). That is because the "Value" knob at the top left is your pan. If it is not set to pan, press "Assign" then try again, repeat until it controls the pan. (it shifts through Pan, Gain, FX Sends, etc...)

    Don't fix it in the mix ... Fix it in the take! 

    Desktop: Win 7 Pro 64 Bit , ASUS MB w/Intel Chipset, INTEL Q9300 Quad Core, 2.5 GHz, 8 GB RAM, ATI 5450 Video
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    Hardware: Presonus FP10 (Firepod), FaderPort, M-Audio Axiom 49, Mackie 1202 VLZ, POD X3 Live, Variax 600, etc... etc...
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    Re:how to enable automation with this motorized fader? September 03, 11 5:35 PM (permalink)

    The fader cannot be set to Pan (as far as I know). That is because the "Value" knob at the top left is your pan. If it is not set to pan, press "Assign" then try again, repeat until it controls the pan. (it shifts through Pan, Gain, FX Sends, etc...)

    have you seen this video? he is doing something with fader here...

    V-Studio 100, Sony VAIO i7 2.93GHz/ 8GB RAM, Pianoteq, Sonar X1 Studio, ezDrummer, Macbook Pro, Roland RD700GX stage piano, Yamaha Motif XS6 workstation, Rode NT-1A, AKG Perception 220 
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    Re:how to enable automation with this motorized fader? September 04, 11 9:03 AM (permalink)
    He just automated the volume of the guitar track with the fader (all the fx were just in the track itself). The fader can automate volume, the "value" knob (when assigned properly) can automate many different things such as pan, gain and buss sends.

    Don't fix it in the mix ... Fix it in the take! 

    Desktop: Win 7 Pro 64 Bit , ASUS MB w/Intel Chipset, INTEL Q9300 Quad Core, 2.5 GHz, 8 GB RAM, ATI 5450 Video
    Laptop: Windows 7 Pro, i5, 8 Gig Ram
    Hardware: Presonus FP10 (Firepod), FaderPort, M-Audio Axiom 49, Mackie 1202 VLZ, POD X3 Live, Variax 600, etc... etc...
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