loopMIDI not working with new installation
Current configuration:
Been using windows 8 64 since the beginning for this audio computer.
Sonar 8.5.3, SX2, loopMIDI, loopBe,... working fine
Upgraded to 8.1, and then 8.1.1, and all other updates. ALL STILL OK.
Had an issue with windows a couple of months ago. Appears to be working fine. But lost a bunch of start-wall icons and other shortcuts. I have a link on the desktop to the "real" start menu folder. But not sure what may not work when I need it to.
So, starting the new disk , clean install, process.
Installed w8, 8.1. 8.1.1 and all updates.
Installed Office 2013. (I use excel for audio stuff: lyrics, configuration, serial numbers,....)
Installed Sonar 6 - X2 : want to make sure all the plugs I use are present.
Installed third party stuff: Ozone, CD architect, Kantos,....
All appear to be working OK.
I installed loopBe and miditools,... OK.
Installed loopMIDI: no errors. Created 4 loopmidi ports. OK.
BUTTTTTT::::: when I enable more than one loopmidi port in sonar the machine immediately restarts. Happens with 8.5.3, X1, X2
'Tis sad cuz I do use more than one midi pipe in some projects.
Could be a conflict with the EMU interface.
No crash dumps as it happens without pause.
Sent a message to the loopMIDI dude.
Any other ideas?
Replacements? Purchase loopbe 30? Other?