• How to easily change volume of individual clips
2011/03/01 11:07:57

I tried to find the answer to no avail. Basically I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to "easily" raise/lower the level of individual clips. This would be extremely helpful. If you're familiar with Cubase, each clip has a line way at the top. You can drag this line towards the middle of the clip to lower the level of just that clip, not the entire track. I know that you can change the gain of clips, but that involves several clicks, and you sort of have to guess at how many db you want to lower it. If it's too much or not enough, you have to go back and try again until you get it right. This can be time consuming.

Just to give you an example of why this would be useful ... I'm an EDM producer, and there are always a bunch of FX going, be it noise sweeps, crashes, uplifters, downlifters, crazy noises, whatever. It would be nice to combine them all in one or two tracks. But rarely do these sounds work at the same volume (i.e. controlled by the same track fader). So most sounds (clips) need to be at a different level so it all gels together. Does that make sense? My options now are to have them in individual tracks, or use the Gain process with an educated guess (but it's still trial and error). Is there another workaround? The goal here is improving workflow.

Thanks :)
2011/03/01 11:17:15
Each clip can have its own individual gain envelope. Hover your mouse inside the clips pane of track. Press T to bring up the Tools HUD. Underneath the tools are two controls. The one on the left is the Edit Filter control for that track. Click it and choose Clip Automation > Gain. This will add a gain envelope to each clip in the track. You can now adjust each envelope so that each clip has its own individual volume level. However, keep in mind that the track volume will still control the overall level of the entire track.


Scott R. Garrigus - Author of the Cakewalk Sonar and Sony Sound Forge Power book series. Get Sonar X1 Power - Today! Go to: http://www.garrigus.com/

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2011/03/01 11:29:07
OK thanks! I'm going to try this when I get home.
2011/03/01 11:47:04
Hover your mouse inside the clips pane of track. Press T to bring up the Tools HUD. Underneath the tools are two controls. The one on the left is the Edit Filter control for that track. Click it and choose Clip Automation > Gain.

1. Right-click the clip.
2. Choose Envelopes > Create Clip Envelope > Gain.

Oh wait... that's how you did it in all the previous versions with the inefficient and unintuitive workflow.

2011/03/01 11:49:17

Hover your mouse inside the clips pane of track. Press T to bring up the Tools HUD. Underneath the tools are two controls. The one on the left is the Edit Filter control for that track. Click it and choose Clip Automation > Gain.

1. Right-click the clip.
2. Choose Envelopes > Create Clip Envelope > Gain.

Oh wait... that's how you did it in all the previous versions with the inefficient and unintuitive workflow.

2016/01/18 17:03:50
I was ready to give up on Sonar and got to Studio One where they have volume control on the event.
T from the above posts! Thanks
T is very helpful as with automation I get more flexibility.
But most often I want control the clip gain not parts of it.
I select the clip area to move up or down but is there a shortcut to move all the automation up or down inside the clip? Yes I can select all the event.
Still not sure the difference of Volume and Gain but I will find out.

I need to learn more hot keys!
2016/01/18 17:15:41
1. Hold 'Control'
2. Drag up or down in the top half of the clip to move the clip volume up or down.
This tells you by how much you are increasing or decreasing the volume and what the new volume is, in a tool tip beside the cursor.
2016/01/20 09:55:59
And if you're working with existing clip gain envelopes and clips are active for that track's Edit Filter (the "T" pop-up), another method is to Shift+Click on the clip gain envelope itself which will allow you to drag it up and down.   Same goes for track automation and clips themselves - Shift+Click activates the selected entity type for that track. 
2016/01/20 11:20:46
Still not sure the difference of Volume and Gain but I will find out.

Gain is applied right at the very start of the signal chain, before Fx, Sends, Pro Channel etc.
Volume is right at the end of the chain, before the output goes to your bus(ses)
2016/01/20 11:38:01
Fastest method is to change clip volume is Process | Apply effect | Gain, especially when using keyboard shortcut (set yourself in preferences). It's desctructive method; changes are written to the original wav file. I use this method all the time to level guitar and bass tracks because it's much faster than tweaking gain envelopes by mouse. It takes 1-2 seconds for me to adjust gain this way, including preset selection / entering gain by numbers.
If in doubt, make a backup copy of the original clips before using destructive effects.
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