I wanted to give you guys a heads up on something I've been doing the past few days. I've been tagging Roland US and Roland Japan on Twitter with angry tweets about them no longer supporting and putting out drivers for the V-Studio gear.
Now before this goes any further here, I want to mention I'm not looking to start a debate about hardware support life cycles. I'm well aware that companies will stop supporting hardware over time as they age. That said, most of the time when that happens, it's to hardware that costs a couple hundred, not $4000+ and not to something that was meant to be a flagship item.
In any event, after 3 days I've finally gotten a response:
Roland U.S. @
Roland_US 2h2 hours ago
terrasin You have been flagged for our product support department and they will follow up with you shortly. Thanks for your patience
What does this mean? Not much right now, maybe nothing at all but for those of us who have the V-Studio and would like to see it supported further, they need to know there is a demand for it and that we're upset about the way things are being handled on their end. I have yet to see any system that compares to the potential the V-Studio system offered. If there is a chance we could convince Roland to continue support for it, I want to attempt to push for it. I'll keep you guys updated.