2016/01/05 13:54:46
Lance Riley [Cakewalk]
We have identified an issue where the Mac version of C3 may not automatically authorize new instruments installed due to some specific conditions. We've also made a few other changes that are listed below and are now available.
- Removed some redundancy to stored session data.
- Fixed crash with missing plist values.
- Set focus to password field (on elevation dialog) when opening the app.
- Guarantee that a valid session is created in the plist when it's updated.
* Currently Rapture Pro, Rapture Session, and Z3TA+ 2 require an active internet connection when launching the plug-in for the first time in order to automatically authorize properly. Please make sure you download and run this latest version of C3 if you are running into authorization issues on OS X.
* Currently Only Z3TA+ 2 allows for Offline authorization but we hope to roll that out to Rapture Pro and Rapture Session owners in the near future. 
2016/09/25 14:20:15
ChristopherThake Music
Hi there I noticed that on the specs page Command Center says 10.8.5-10.10.
Is there a particular reason why it does not show support for 10.11 El Capitan?
As I am running it on this.
2018/02/15 23:27:41
Rapture Pro and Dimension Pro 1.5 does not show up in my command center.....
Is there a way to get them installed on my Mac?
2018/02/16 04:22:34
Have you tried from your Products page?
2018/02/21 05:44:30
It would be great if each product was made available on OS X to those of us who moved onto Macs.

Most music software follows such a course of allowing multiple computers to install the software for a single computer usage at a time.

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