Hello guys.
Just bought a Motor 49 keyboard controller from Berhinger. I've read the manual / quickstart guides for it and checked back a couple of chapters in Sonar's manual to configure control surfaces. No success... time wasted : over two hours... Oh! I can play the keyboards and trigger a synth with it, fine... but as for the control surface aspect of that product, nothing works out of the box.
I did a MIDI LEARN on a track's fader. When moving the linked fader on the hardware, SONAR'S fader follows all right... but moving SONAR's fader does not make the MOTOR 49's move.
Opened up LIVE LITE 9 to do a comparison of my "mackie control setup procedure" with another DAW and
everything was literally up and running in less time than it took me to write down this post. (Keyboard, faders, rotaries, bi-directional interaction between the DAW and the controller... Only limitation LIVE LITE is imposing me is that I can only work with 4 tracks... So I cannot really test the system with a high number of tracks.)
Does anybody have a configuring tip to share? The only thing I can see here that is really suspicious is the the ACT module on the control bar is always indicating "CONNECTING"... not sure what to think of that yet as I am still looking for information about this.