2018/02/10 18:29:45
I have recently acquired a v20 studio I made the purchase presuming I had everything I needed unfortunately I only received the drivers for the V20 and the software the V20 editor
I am looking for a genuine copy of the discs I need for Guitar Tracks 4 which was bundled with the V20 all reviews and tutorials feature the V20 with the guitar tracks 4 however I have looked everywhere to buy a copy or obtain a genuine download as I do have the hardware I'm using a copy of Sonar Home Studio I got from a magazine which is probably a bit more up to date but I'm really looking to try the V20 and get the full capability from the unit can anyone offer any guidance as my best way forward
Regards Craig
2018/02/12 17:57:23
Best bet is to stick with Sonar Home Studio.  It is a much more up to date version of the software.  Plus it has the same instruments you would get with Guitar Tracks, such as drums, bass, strings, etc.
If it is the virtual guitar amp you are lacking there are a couple of free ones that you can try out, with options to upgrade with additional effects, amps, cabinets, etc.  These will easily plug and play with Home Studio as VST plugins.
Native Instruments Guitar Rig Player comes with 50 free effects presets. 
  • Based on GUITAR RIG 5 PRO
  • Jump amp, 17 cabinets and 13 effects/modifiers
IK Amplitube Custom Shop 
  • FREE version of AmpliTube 4 with 24 models including a digital chromatic tuner, 9 stomps, 4 amps, 5 cabs, 3 mics, 2 rack effects
  • More models can be added à la carte with the new online Custom Shophttp://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/amplitubecs/
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