I think it would be good to see some clarity around the authorization procedures for legacy Cakewalk products, if the user chooses not to activate a BandLab account.
For example, what if the user gets a new PC and wants to install the old Sonar, but doesn't have a BandLab account? How will the activation work in this case?
It's no longer Cakewalk. You either join Bandlab to access whatever they put in place, or you cut the ties and move on, at least that's how I'm seeing it. Bandlab will let you crossgrade to whatever the new product is for free, once.
The "legacy products" are on your CD's that you purchased years ago . . . then, when they went to the Command Center model it was all about online authorization and download . . . that site will be gone, and I haven't seen any indication that Bandlab intends to recreate the ability to download X1, X2, X3 etc . . . if you really need to have those anyways.