• ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [Updated: Dec 11, 2018] (p.85)
2018/10/03 17:10:55
Thank you for this recent update.  Appreciate it.
2018/10/03 21:10:43
You should use that thread to put features requests, even ones asking that "previous" standard plugins be added back into the product.

I don't think so. In fact, I've used the official Features Request thread to suggest new features, but this is not an idea nor a novelty, is just asking if there are plans for some former tools to come back.
Imagine the new CbB doesn't include your most beloved SONAR feature. Where would you ask about it?

I would put those questions in the feature requests forums.
2018/10/04 01:19:53
I would put those questions in the feature requests forums.

2018/10/04 07:06:46
Thanks so much, exciting stuff!
2018/10/04 08:21:35
That's a great feature. I was waiting for some minor changes in stretching and audiosnap, but you did more. Thanks a lot!
2018/10/04 14:06:22
What extra features?  Thanks!
2018/10/04 14:50:54
Voda La Void
Still no offline installation option?  Just checking.  I can download using my internet PC but I want to install on my offline DAW PC. 
2018/10/04 16:02:06
I would put those questions in the feature requests forums.

Bad done so. This is not a feature request, but a question.
Ok, so this thread is just to say thanks. No questions about the missing tools, please.
2018/10/05 12:58:13
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
That's a great feature. I was waiting for some minor changes in stretching and audiosnap, but you did more. Thanks a lot!

Its a massive update that we've been working on for months. Big changes to audiosnap functionality beneath the hood and many fixes and improvements to the audiosnap commands as well as rendering in addition to Elastique. Also Slip stretching has been greatly improved and many preexisting issues resolved.
2018/10/05 13:29:11
This is all very nice and appreciated, but how about an instructional video for us dummies who are new to these new stretching techniques. And by the way, where do I find this new elastique feature?
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