• Computers
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2018/12/27 22:43:58
...and I am trying not to panic...but where do we go from here?  The Software topic too.
2018/12/28 00:47:17
Just Another Bloke
2018/12/28 01:15:14
Larry Jones
Apparently there's no dedicated hardware forum over at Bandlab, but a.) that doesn't mean they won't add one if enough users want it, and b.) there's no reason we can't discuss computers in the CbB forum -- no one has said that's forbidden, and c.) beyondmydaw.com.
2018/12/28 11:07:21
I made a suggestion over there to add a computer section.  Most recording or music forums have them.  Gearslutz has one, the steel guitar forum has one, etc.  
I and several others have helped a lot of people with computer issues over the years.
2018/12/28 15:14:19
+1, a DAW is host software. It makes more sense to have software and hardware forums to support members who need feedback on plugins, controller setups, etc.
2018/12/29 21:44:12
OK I'm ready.  I will post computer build etc questions in the "General" topic forum.
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