Modern music? I think many times people call it modern
if the "sound quality" is very good. Todays advancements
allow even a home recording to be done in a pro manner.
However it takes skill and talent to do so. So even with
the tools one many never accomplish that.
Pro and modern may be interchangeable words. Songs
and or mixes may sound or be called dated simply because
they are only so so in quality. Performance has much to
do with a song having a dated sound or not.
Good is good, great is great, average is average. A
persons perception of a mix or song is just that. If
one person calls a song or mix dated is it? Maybe, but
it depends on how good and knowledgeable, talented
and skilled that person is and also if they are biased
or not.
Everyone is not qualified to be a judge. It takes
knowledge to be a judge. And even judges have
views which may influence a decision. Then there
is the "compared to what" subject. Is a song
or mix dated or modern? Compared to what?.
And back to the performance subject. Is the
performance good, bad or O.K? One may view
a bad performance as a dated sound or a great
performance with an awful recording as dated.
Yet at the same time take a simple performance
and do a bang up high quality recording/mix and
be called modern.
It's easier so say a song/mix is bad, O.K, good or
great with more validity