Hey hows it goin.
I'm no expert but I toss you my experience for what it's worth.
My son gives me all his hand me down computers, He's pretty good at building and as a musician himself builds for audio. But the bugger uses none registered copies of Windows.
So the first thing I do is install my registered versions. Well I ended up with one more computer than I had Windows copies and went to order W7, but windows 8.1 was half the price?
So I ordered that. Here's my thoughts.
Cheaper, Loads way faster, works the same once you discover it actually has a normal desktop that can be populated with shortcuts just like before. In the end no real big difference in using it that a techo head can't grasp in an hour of poking around. Most of the control panel, device and systems controls are the same. All my software installed without issues, even things like DVDshrink. Photoshop CS. VCL, Win Amp.
What I didn't like is that once installed it asked me for my Windows account to register? I was lucky I actually understood this was my original Hotmail-etc account and I knew the password to log on. Now that password is the password for the computer?
What I'm seeing here is more invasive integration of my computer with Micro soft, Office Outlook, my shopping habits etc. I hate that stuff!
I cost me $40 in bandwidth to do all the updates, Why the heck can't a brand new copy include service packs etc.?
Overall I didn't notice any difference in running Sonar on windows 8. I have my old Tascam interface set up. We watch movies and play music. It's also a back up studio computer just in case. As predicted, Windows 8 tells me I don't have the correct drivers installed. It's on a list of issues that W8 pops up in the task bar tray. But the Tascam works fine, shows in Sonar normally, it's my only audio device for the computer all else is disabled. The Tascam GUI works. I write it off as one reason I no longer use the Tascam. Hope Craig is right about the in house drivers they will soon be writing.
The other thing was the DPCLAT test doesn't work it will show a steady 1,000 ms. I need to download the other latency checker.
I'm just waiting for my case and I'm going to build from scratch.. so I'm not sure which way I'll go either as I guess I'll have to buy a new copy of Windows 8 as it's now ingrained in my office PC forever.. My Windows 7 copy is good for 2 computers so I can de activate my old DAW and just leave it as a back up system.
But if you are faced with purchasing a new copy of Windows, You might as well save the approx $70 and buy W8. I think they are doing this on purpose to get every one away from W7 as quick as possible..marketing strategy. I cannot list any reasons that would imply that Windows 7 is better. But I don't understand anything beyond the surface when it come to this stuff, any how good luck..